lncreasing the nutritional value of canned desserts using sprouted grain
The article presents the results of the development of new types of canned desserts using sprouted wheat and buckwheat grains as а source ofvegetaЬie protein, carbohydтates and dietary fiber. Optimum ratios of gernrinated grains, fruit and other components have been inves:tigated, in connection with this the ratios of recipe components of canned desserts have been established, at which end products will have high organoleptic characteristics. The objects of the research were model samples of desserts with sea buckthorn or Ыackcurrant and sprouted grain. Research on raw materia.ls became the basis for designing formulations and developing technology for obtaining new types of canned products, in which components mutually complement each other Ьу valuaЬle nutrients. Ву mass concentration of functional ingredients such as vitamins В,, В,, Е, 13 -carotene and dietary fiber, desserts can refer to functional products.
About the Authors
А. V. AkulichBelarus
Akulich Alexander Vasilyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Inventor of the Repuhlic of Belarus, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work
3 SchmidtAv, 212027, Mogilev
М. L. Zenkova
Zenkova Maria Leonidovna, PhD Technology, Associate Professor, Doctoral Technology, Associate Professor, Doctoral; Associate Professor of commodity science and expertise of products
26 Partizansky Av., 220070, Мinsk
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For citations:
Akulich А.V., Zenkova М.L. lncreasing the nutritional value of canned desserts using sprouted grain. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2023;16(2):85-92. (In Russ.)