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А test system for gliadin enzyme immunoassay in food: technical and analytical characteristics and sample preparation aspects


Wheat, гуе and barley endosperm proteim (glutens, inclucling gliadins) provoke the development of celiac disease, for which the only treatment is а gluten-free diet. The control of gluten concentration in foods is based on the quantitative determination of gliadin that makes up 50% of total gluten. А test system for the quantitative determination of gliadin in food Ьу an enzyme immunoassay, "PRODOSCREEN® ELISA-Gliadin" (TU ВУ 100185129.195-2022), has been designed. In terms of technical and analytical level parameters, the test system corresponds to Ridascreen® Gliadin ( art. R 7001) ELISA kit, which is used in Belarus and has the status of an АОАС Official Method No 2012.01. We found that the conventional sample preparation procedure, inclucling mechanical homogenization and extraction of gliadin with 70% ethanol, did not provide complete extraction of gliadin from foods with а plasticine-like consistency and led to false negative results. То solve the matrix-effect proЬiem, а special cocktail was developed enaЬiing additional chemical homogenization of samples.

About the Authors

Е. Р. Кiseleva
Institute of Вioorganic Cheтistry of the National Асаdеmу of Sciences of Belarus

Kiseleva Elena Pavlovna, PhD (Chemical), Leading Researcher The Institute of Biooiganic Chemistry

5/2, Academic Kuprevich str., 220084, Minsk

К. I. Мikhailopulo
Institute of Вioorganic Cheтistry of the National Асаdеmу of Sciences of Belarus

Mikhailopylo Konstantin Igorevich, Senior Researcher The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry

5/2, Academic Kuprevich str., 220084

О. V. Sviridov
Institute of Вioorganic Cheтistry of the National Асаdеmу of Sciences of Belarus

Sviridov Oleg Vasilevich, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Head of the Laboratory “Chemistry of Protein Hormones”

5/2, Academic Kuprevich str., 220084, Minsk


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For citations:

Кiseleva Е.Р., Мikhailopulo К.I., Sviridov О.V. А test system for gliadin enzyme immunoassay in food: technical and analytical characteristics and sample preparation aspects. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2023;16(2):98-108. (In Russ.)

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