The effect of freeze-drying on the organoleptic properties and chemical composition of blueberries
The useful properties of the blueberry have been known since time immemorial and today it is actively used in pharmaceutical and culinary industries, being the most important ingredient of unique medicines, as well as exquisite desserts, refreshing drinks and appetizing baked goods. The popularity of the berry is growing rapidly, however, because of their high moisture content, they occur as perishable products. After picking in berries, intense process of respiration begins, which leads to a change in taste, as well as the destruction of organic acids and carbohydrates. Therefore, development of effective technologies that ensure the preservation of all the useful components in berries for a long time are becoming an important area of science. The aim of this work is to study the effect of freeze-drying parameters on organoleptic properties and chemical composition of blueberries. The article presents the results of biochemical parameters of blueberries before and after freeze-drying. The research used conventional chemical and analytical methods. As a result of the research, it was found that the reduction of biochemical parameters of blueberries has a dependence on the shelf temperature and sublimation time. The results of the performed experiments will be used in the development of the technology of freeze-drying of berries.
About the Authors
S. G. KamanovaChina
Kamanova Svetlana G., PhD student of the Laboratory of Functional Chemistry and Nutrition of Food Products
Shaanxi, Yangling, 712100
I. Zh. Temirova
Temirova Indira Zh. , Master of Engineering Technology of the Department of Technology of Food and Processing Industries, Technical Faculty
010011, Astana city, Zhenis avenue, 62
A. B. Aldiyeva
Aldieva Akmaral B., Junior researcher of the Department of Technology of Food and Processing Industries, Technical Faculty
010011, Astana city, Zhenis avenue, 62
G. Kh. Ospankulova
Ospankulova Gulnazym Kh. , PhD (Biological Sciences), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technology of Food and Processing Industries, Technical Faculty
010011, Astana city, Zhenis avenue, 62
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For citations:
Kamanova S.G., Temirova I.Zh., Aldiyeva A.B., Ospankulova G.Kh. The effect of freeze-drying on the organoleptic properties and chemical composition of blueberries. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2023;16(3):36-41. (In Russ.)