Technological aspects of thermal and mechanical processing of colostrum
The regime parameters of technological operations of thermal, mechanical and baromembrane processing of colostrum - pasteurization, freezing, defrosting, separation, homogenization, ultraffltration - have been studied. Based on the results obtained, the optimal parameters for carrying out these technological operations in production conditions for this type of raw material were determined. Freezing is indicated for collection, storage and delivery to the place of colostrum processing. The modes of heat treatment of colostrum depending on the time of its receipt have been determined. Limit concentrations of stabilizer salts have been established to increase the coagulation threshold of non-heat-resistant colostrum. It has been established that double separation is necessary for colostrum, and the modes of its homogenization have also been substantiated. It has been proven that the use of standard membrane processing modes makes it possible to obtain a concentrate with an increased mass fraction of protein, which is a promising raw material for further processing.
About the Authors
D. S. LozovskayaBelarus
Lozovskaya Diana Sergeevna, senior lecturer of the department of storage and processing of animal raw materials
28, Tereshkova str., 230008, Grodno
О. V. Dymar
Dymar Oleg Viktorovich, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, Technical director
5/2, Melezha str., room 1201, 220113, Minsk
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For citations:
Lozovskaya D.S., Dymar О.V. Technological aspects of thermal and mechanical processing of colostrum. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2024;17(1):46-55. (In Russ.)