Research results on the use of membrane technologies in starch production
The article describes the relevance and also presents the results of research on the use of pressure membrane technologies for the extraction of protein components from liquid waste from starch factories. And also the use of electrodialysis to improve the color of starchy syrups. Recommendations on the use of the results of the research for starch production enterprises have been formed.
About the Authors
А. V. KulikouBelarus
Kulikov Alexey Valentinovich, PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher of the Department of New Technologies and Engineering
29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk
A. S. Danilyuk
Danilyuk Alexander Sergeevich, Researcher of the Department of New Technologies and Engineering
29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk
D. A. Zaichenko
Zaichenko Dmitry Alexandrovich, PhD (Engineering), Deputy General Director for Scientific and Innovative Work
29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk
A. A. Sadovsky
Sadovsky Alexander Alexandrovich, PhD (Engineering), Department head of New Technologies and Engineering
29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk
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For citations:
Kulikou А.V., Danilyuk A.S., Zaichenko D.A., Sadovsky A.A. Research results on the use of membrane technologies in starch production. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2024;17(1):99-104. (In Russ.)