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Assessment of the quality of children’s canned fruit using a qualimetric forecasting model


The problem of the quality and safety of baby food products has not only hygienic, but also important social significance, because is a determining factor in all subsequent human development. Particular attention is required to the organization of nutrition for children of the 1st year of life. The younger the child, the greater the influx of energy is required to cover the energy costs associated with his intensive growth, development, metabolism and maintenance of basic vital functions.

Currently, there is no unified system for qualimetric forecasting of quality and safety indicators that would allow establishing product quality requirements at the design stage that would meet consumer expectations. Therefore, it is relevant to conduct research to develop a qualimetric model for predicting the quality of fruit-based children’s canned food, including defining a range of quality and safety indicators, a set of quantitative assessment methods, and establishing numerical values of quality indicators that the product being developed must meet in order to meet predicted consumer expectations.

The article displays the results of qualemitric forecasting using the construction of the “House of Quality” using QFD methodology

About the Authors

А. Лилишенцева
Belarusian State Economic University

Lilishentseva Hanna Nikolaevna, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Commodity Research and Expertise of Goods

7, Sverdlova st., 220030, Minsk

K. Yu. Shushko
Belarusian State Economic University

Shushko Kristina Yurievna, student Department of Commodity Research and  Expertise of Goods

7, Sverdlova st., 220030, Minsk

I. V. Krivko
Belarusian State Economic University

Krivko Irina Viktorovna, applicant for the Department of Commodity Research and Expertise of Goods

7, Sverdlova st., 220030, Minsk


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For citations:

, Shushko K.Yu., Krivko I.V. Assessment of the quality of children’s canned fruit using a qualimetric forecasting model. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2024;17(2):65-73. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)