
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Scientific support for the development of the food industry


The successes achieved in the development of the food industry and ensuring food security of the Republic of Belarus depend primarily on the personnel policy of our state. Organized training of personnel - mid- and high-level technologists, scientists has yielded long-term results. Analysis of the dynamics of the industry’s development shows that both the production of the main in-demand product groups and the export of food products are in direct correlation with the level of scientific support (training of highly qualified personnel, technologies, methods, standards, new products developed by them). It is important not to miss this element when forecasting the next stage of development of the food industry and the country.

About the Author

Z. V. Lovkis
RUE “Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Lovkis Zenon Valentinovich - Academic of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus, chief Researcher 

29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk


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4. Ловкис, З. В. Детское питание: наука, технологии, продукты / З. В. Ловкис. — Минск: ИВЦ Минфина, 2023. — 355 с.

5. Ловкис З. В. Центр по продовольствию: от истоков до современности / З.В. Ловкис [и др.]. — Минск: ИВЦ Минфина, 2021 — 373 с.

6. Эффективные технологии производства свекловичного сахара / О. К. Никулина [и др.]. — Минск: ИВЦ Минфина, 2023. — 302 с.

7. О безопасности пищевой продукции: ТР ТС 021/2011 : принят 09.12.2011 : вступ. в силу 01.07.2013 [Электронный ресурс].— Режим доступа:— Дата доступа: 01.08.2024.

8. Беларусь в цифрах: стат. справ. — Минск: Нац. стат. ком. Респ. Беларусь, 2023. — 61 с.

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For citations:

Lovkis Z.V. Scientific support for the development of the food industry. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2024;17(3):6-10. (In Russ.)

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