
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Environmental safety of enterprises processing agricultural raw materials


The processing industry of Belarus is an export-oriented sector of the economy. The main tasks facing the industry are to increase the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector, create new high-tech production facilities and increase the export of domestic products.

The article presents the main directions of development of the processing industry of Belarus. The factors ensuring environmental safety of processing industries are determined, where special attention is paid to the selected technological processes, the introduction of new waste-free environmentally friendly technologies, the use of innovative processing methods, the development of new products. The sources and degree of wastewater pollution are described, as well as sources emitting harmful substances into the atmosphere, the causes of fires and explosions at processing plants.

Mechanical, chemical and biological methods are proposed for cleaning wastewater from processing plants. To reduce the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area, it is necessary to provide ventilation and air conditioning. To ensure explosion and fire safety of technological processes, each enterprise has developed its own measures to eliminate sources of fires and explosions.

About the Authors

A. M. Mazur
Educational institution «Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University»

Mazur Anatoliy Makarovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Department of Technology and Mechanization of Livestock Husbandry and Agricultural Products Processing

99, Independence Ave., 220012, Minsk

E. V. Tarazevich
Educational institution «Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University»

Tarazevich Elena Vasilievna - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Department of Technology and Mechanization of Livestock Husbandry and Agricultural Products Processing

99, Independence Ave., 220012, Minsk

N. N. Petyushev
RUE “Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Petyushev Nikolay Nikolaevich - PhD (Engineering), Leading Researcher of the department of technology for products from root crops

29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk


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For citations:

Mazur A.M., Tarazevich E.V., Petyushev N.N. Environmental safety of enterprises processing agricultural raw materials. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2024;17(3):49-55. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)