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Anthocyanins as components of the human diet


In the presented review, the results of the study of anthocyanins as components of functional nutrition were analyzed. Regular consumption of dark-colored fruits containing anthocyanins and their processed products contributes to improving the health and quality of life of people. The article presents the results of a study of the chemical composition, including the content of anthocyanins of berry raw materials growing in the Republic of Belarus and used by enterprises of the processing industry to obtain juice products. The anthocyanin profile is an important criterion for the identification of juice products made from dark-colored berries.

About the Authors

A. N. Lilishentseva
Educational Institution «Belarusian State Economic University»

Lilishentseva Anna Nikolaevna - PhD (Technical), associate professor of the Department of Commodity Research and Expertise of Goods

7, Sverdlova St., 220030, Minsk, 

I. V. Krivko
Educational Institution «Belarusian State Economic University»

Krivko Irina Viktorovna - applicant for the Department of Commodity Research and Expertise of Goods

7, Sverdlova St., 220030, Minsk

M. M. Petukhov
Educational Institution «Belarusian State Economic University»

Petukhov Mikhail Mikhailovich - PhD (Technical), Head of the Department of the Department of Commodity Research and Expertise of Goods

7, Sverdlova St., 220030, Minsk


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For citations:

Lilishentseva A.N., Krivko I.V., Petukhov M.M. Anthocyanins as components of the human diet. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2024;17(3):94-100. (In Russ.)

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