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Evaluation of vitamin-mineral and amino acid composition of frozen semi-finished food based on vegetable raw materials


Results of researches of vitamin-mineral and amino-acid composition of frozen vegetable semi-finished products on the basis of carrot, cabbage, beet raw materials are presented in article. It is established that the biological value of vegetable cutlets protein is more than 98 %, the minimum amino-acid score in the samples of carrot and cabbage cutlets is established for valine, for beet cutlets for the sum of methionine and cysteine. Analysis of the vitamin-mineral composition showed that the consumption of 100 g of developed vegetable cutlets will provide the human body with functional substances (on days) - up to 26,1 % in vitamin B2, up to 11,3 % in vitamin C, up to 5 % in cellulose, in Ca up to 12,05 %, in Fe up to 9,57 %, in K to 12,1 %, in Mg to 6,65 %, in P to 7,37 %.

About the Authors

N. N. Petyushev
RUE “Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Petyushev Nikolai Nikolaevich — Ph.D. (Technical), the head of the department of the technology of tuberous root products

29 Kozlova street, Minsk 220037

A. V. Sadouskaya
RUE “Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Sadouskaya Anna Viktorovna — Ph.D. (Technical), senior researcher of the department of the technology of tuberous root products

29 Kozlova street, Minsk 220037

Y. S. Usenya
RUE “Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Usenya Yulia Sergeevna — Ph.D. (Technical), deputy head of the department of the technology of tuberous root products, senior researcher

29 Kozlova street, Minsk 220037

L. V. Evtushevskaya
RUE “Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Evtushevskaya Liudmila Vladimirovna — researcher of the department of the technology of tuberous root products

29 Kozlova street, Minsk 220037


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For citations:

Petyushev N.N., Sadouskaya A.V., Usenya Y.S., Evtushevskaya L.V. Evaluation of vitamin-mineral and amino acid composition of frozen semi-finished food based on vegetable raw materials. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2018;11(2):13-21. (In Russ.)

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