Organoleptic analysis of new blended oils with natural antioxidant extracts
About the Authors
S. A. LehnertUkraine
Lehnert Svitlana — PhD, doctoral student of the Department of Commodity Research and Expertise of Goods
333 Klochkovskaya street, Kharkov 61051
L. P. Malyuk
Malyuk Liydmila — doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business
333 Klochkovskaya street, Kharkov 61051
A. A. Dubinina
Dubinina Antonina — doctor of technical sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Commodity Science and Expertise of Goods
333 Klochkovskaya street, Kharkov 61051
O. A. Khomenko
Khomenko Olga — PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Commodity Science and Expertise of Goods
333 Klochkovskaya street, Kharkov 61051
A. E. Radchenko
Radchenko Anna — PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Commodity Science and Expertise of Goods
333 Klochkovskaya street, Kharkov 61051
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For citations:
Lehnert S.A., Malyuk L.P., Dubinina A.A., Khomenko O.A., Radchenko A.E. Organoleptic analysis of new blended oils with natural antioxidant extracts. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2018;11(2):22-29. (In Russ.)