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Control of N-nitrosamines content in food products


Recently, the countries of the Eurasian Union are actively pursuing a program on protection of the public from low-quality goods. One of the directions of this objective is the control of the content of substances harmful to human health, such as pesticides, antibiotics, preservatives, colorants, and little-known N-nitrosamines which are contained in the most popular food products. Study and analysis of new methods of research and control of nitroso compounds content is an important issue.
In consideration of the forgoing, the article is dedicated to the researches which are aimed at studying of nitroso compounds content in food products by modern means, which contribute to provision of the population with safe products in this area.
Exogenous and endogenous ways of formation of N-nitroso compounds and detection of these organic compounds in the environment and food products are analyzed. The latest tendencies of the world’s scientific researches on the nitroso compounds influence on a human body are studied. Modern methods of the detection of the carcinogens are considered. There is provided an information summary for the period of 2014-2016 on the nitrosamine research in various food products which was compiled by the Republican Control and Testing Complex for Foodstuffs Quality and Safety of the RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”. Exceeds of the limit concentration levels were not identified. That shows that foodstuffs industry has achieved a new and safer level of food production.

About the Authors

I. M. Pochitskaya
RUE “Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Pochitskaya Iryna M. — Ph.D. (Agricultural), the head of the Republican control and testing complex for foodstuffs quality and safety

29 Kozlova street, Minsk 220037

O. L. Permyakova
RUE “Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Permyakova Olga Leonidovna — the 1st grade chemical engineer of the Republican control and testing complex for foodstuffs quality and safety

29 Kozlova street, Minsk 220037


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For citations:

Pochitskaya I.M., Permyakova O.L. Control of N-nitrosamines content in food products. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2018;11(2):87-94. (In Russ.)

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