Investigation of the influence of amaranthic flour on the quality of bakery products
About the Authors
A. S. KucherBelarus
Kucher Anastasiya Sergeevna –graduate
BLK, 50, office 404, 230009, Grodno
T. P. Trotskaya
Trotskaya Taisiya Pavlovna – Professor, Ph.D. (Technical), Chief Researcher
BLK, 50, office 403, 230009, Grodno
S. S. Anufric
Anufric Slavomir Stepanovich – Professor, Ph.D. (Physics and mathematics), Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Heat Engineering
Socialisticheskaya st., 12, office 14, 230009, Grodno
S. N. Anuchin
Anuchin Sergey Nikolaevich – graduate of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Heat Engineering
BLK, 5, office 218, 230009, Grodno
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For citations:
Kucher A.S., Trotskaya T.P., Anufric S.S., Anuchin S.N. Investigation of the influence of amaranthic flour on the quality of bakery products. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2018;11(3):44-52. (In Russ.)