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Influence of modes of heat treatment on the properties of the recovered dry dairy raw materials for the manufacture of fermented dairy products


The article studies the influence of the modes of heat treatment of raw milk in the production of dry milk bases intended for the manufacture of fermented dairy products, on the performance and properties of dry milk raw materials, as well as on the efficiency of its recovery. The composition of milk-raw materials, dry milk raw materials and its physical and chemical properties (the degree of denaturation of whey proteins, the class of heat treatment, bulk density, solubility index), as well as indicators of the restored milk bases intended for the manufacture of fermented dairy products (the amount of settled fat. acidity, oxidizing reducing potential. density, viscosity). It is determined that the change in the properties of dry milk raw materials, expressed in the change of the degree of denaturation of proteins and the efficiency of its recovery, has a greater impact pasteurization mode than the mode of thickening and drying. In the manufacture of fermented dairy products that do not provide for the separation of whey, such as yogurt, it is acceptable and appropriate to use a dry milk base with a higher pasteurization temperature. For fermented dairy products, which provide for the separation of whey (cottage cheese) in the production process, it will be preferable to use dry dairy products with a low class of heat treatment as the basis.

About the Authors

I. V. Miklikh
RUE «Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry»

Miklikh Inna Viktorovna – сandidate of technical Sciences, senior researcher of the laboratory equipment and technologies to produce production

pr-t Partizansky, 172, 220075, Minsk

O. L. Soroko
RUE «Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry»

Soroko Oleg Leonidovich– сandidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, head of the laboratory of equipment and technologies of milk production

pr-t Partizansky, 172, 2

E. V. Efimova
RUE «Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry»

Efimova Elena – candidate of technical Sciences, head of the laboratory of technologies of dairy products and concentrates

pr-t Partizansky, 172, 220075, Minsk

L. N. Sokolovskaya
RUE «Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry»

Sokolovskaya Lyudmila Nikolaevna–senior researcher of the laboratory of equipment and technologies of milk production

pr-t Partizansky, 172, 220075, Minsk

T. N. Zabelo
RUE «Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry»

Zabelo Tatyana Nikolaevna – the researcher of laboratory of the equipment and technologies  of dairy production

pr-t Partizansky, 172, 220075, Minsk


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For citations:

Miklikh I.V., Soroko O.L., Efimova E.V., Sokolovskaya L.N., Zabelo T.N. Influence of modes of heat treatment on the properties of the recovered dry dairy raw materials for the manufacture of fermented dairy products. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2018;11(3):96-106. (In Russ.)

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