
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Chemical composition and food value of milk and dairy products, presented in the market of the Republic of Belarus


Milk and dairy products occupy one of the leading positions in the diet of most population groups. These products are rich in vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, which are necessary for normal functioning of the body. In order to establish the list of the most consumed by the population of the Republic of Belarus dairy products, research of consumer preferences regarding this group of products were conducted. To obtain reasonable data on the chemical composition and nutritional value of milk and dairy products most consumed by the population of the republic, an analysis of literature sources on paper and electronic media, report data and technological documentation, as well as laboratory studies of the microelement and vitamin composition of milk and dairy products in the country's market was made. The comparative analysis of the obtained data on the microelement composition of common dairy products with the data on tables of the chemical composition and caloric content of food products of the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom found that the discrepancy between the values of the micronutrient content in some dairy products represented on the market of the Republic of Belarus in average is: Ca ±Δ 27.6 %; 19.1 %; Mg ±Δ 18.6 %; 0.12 %; P ±Δ 15.2 %; 10.4 %; Fe ±Δ 62.8 %; 66.3 %, vitamin B2 ±Δ 48.1 % and 21.5 % respectively.

For citations:

Morgunova H.M., Fedorenko E.V., Zhurnia H.A. Chemical composition and food value of milk and dairy products, presented in the market of the Republic of Belarus. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2018;11(4):6-20. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)