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Reasearch of the bakery properties of ryean seedball on the condition of the carbon-amylaz complex, gas forming and gas containing test


The article presents the research of the baking properties of rye seeded flour produced by the milling enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, as a carbohydrate-amylase complex. To study the carbohydrate-amylase complex of rye seeded flour, autolytic activity and the fall number were determined. The ranges of falling numbers and autolytic activity for seeded rye flour are established. Studies of the gas-forming and gas-holding capacity of rye dough made of rye flour seeded with a Reofermentometr F3, allows you to control the rate of change of pressure forming carbon dioxide with a differentiated assessment of the amount of carbon dioxide that is held by the fermentation test, and the amount of carbon dioxide that is released from it. When analyzing the gas retention capacity, we considered the coefficient of retention of carbon dioxide (C02), which takes into account the volumes of carbon dioxide emitted and retained during fermentation. High values of the gas-forming ability of rye dough made of rye flour (1807-2333) cm3 are due to the high content of own sugars and water-soluble proteins in rye flour, as well as the presence of more active amylolytic enzymes. However, seeded rye flour is characterized by a low gas-holding capacity of the dough due to the peculiarities of rye flour proteins. It was revealed that the gas content ratio of the studied specimens of rye seeded flour is in the range (61.1-74.6) %. The dynamics of changes in gas-generating and gas-holding capacity of rye seeded flour depending on autolytic activity has been established. In the range of autolytic activity from 34.5 % to 41.4 % gas formation is intense. The gas retention coefficient varies slightly and amounts to (66.3-68.8) %. As the autolytic activity values increase, more intensive carbon dioxide emission is observed, the gas holding coefficient decreases. The connection of gas formation and gas retention in rye dough is established.

About the Authors

T. V. Ivashkevich
Scientific Production Republican Associated Unitary Enterprise BELTEHNOHLEB by the RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food"

Ivashkevich Tatiana V. – leading specialist (chemist) testing laboratory

Rakovskaya St., 30, 220004, Minsk

L. S. Kolosovskaya
Scientific Production Republican Associated Unitary Enterprise BELTEHNOHLEB by the RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food"

Kolosovskaya Larisa S. – Director

30 Rakovskaya St., 220004, Minsk

N. S. Laptenok
Scientific Production Republican Associated Unitary Enterprise BELTEHNOHLEB by the RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food"

Laptenok Natalia S. – Deputy Director

30 Rakovskaya St., 220004, Minsk

L. V. Karnyshova
Scientific Production Republican Associated Unitary Enterprise BELTEHNOHLEB by the RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food"

Karnyshova Lyudmila V. – Head of the Testing Laboratory

Rakovskaya St., 30, 220004, Minsk


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For citations:

Ivashkevich T.V., Kolosovskaya L.S., Laptenok N.S., Karnyshova L.V. Reasearch of the bakery properties of ryean seedball on the condition of the carbon-amylaz complex, gas forming and gas containing test. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(1):20-27. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)