
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Results of the researches of the process of fermentation of wort from jerusalem artichoke tubers of various varieties and rye grain


The article presents the results of studies on the process of fermentation of wort from Jerusalem artichoke tubers of various varieties and rye, as the most technologically difficult grain crop. Fermentation of the wort is one of the most important processes in alcohol production, since at this stage the final enzymatic hydrolysis of polysaccharides of various molecular weights and the formation of alcohol under the action of the yeast enzyme complex takes place. As the main raw material, three types of Jerusalem artichoke tubers and a sample of rye grain were used. In determining the most promising varieties of Jerusalem artichoke tubers, the indicators of the techno-chemical control of a mature brew were analyzed (pH, reducing substances, strength of a mature brew, yield of ethyl alcohol), studied the dynamics of the wort fermentation process by the amount of carbon dioxide emitted, controlled the state of yeast during the main fermentation period (at 18 36 h). This made it possible to establish that the most promising for processing are the Desertny variety artichoke tubers mixed with grain raw materials.

For citations:

Morgunova E.M., Pusovskaya Y.S., Pushkar A.A. Results of the researches of the process of fermentation of wort from jerusalem artichoke tubers of various varieties and rye grain. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(1):42-49. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)