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Dependence of indicators of quality of yogurt product from buttermilk content in mix


Buttermilk is the secondary raw materials received by production of butter. Buttermilk can be applied as raw materials to development of different types of fermented milk products. It has high dietary properties. However buttermilk contains phospholipids which can be exposed to hydrolysis or oxidation. Therefore work is devoted to studying of dependence of indicators of quality and consumer properties of yogurt products from the quantitative content of buttermilk as a part of mix. Indicators of quality of the samples of yogurt product made from the mix including different amount of milk and buttermilk are investigated. Influence of quantitative content of buttermilk in mix on physical and chemical, rheological and organoleptic indicators of yogurt product and their change at storage is analysed. It is revealed that introduction to buttermilk mix up to 50% allows to receive quality sour-milk products on ferment for yogurt. Presence of different amount of buttermilk at mix does not bring noticeable distinctions in course of lactic process and does not accelerate damage of products at storage. The indicators characterizing resistance of structure to destruction and its thixotropic properties are defined. According to organoleptic assessment, all samples had well expressed sour-milk taste, but more pleasant creamy smack, the uniform, homogeneous consistence is noted at samples with an equal ratio of milk and buttermilk in mix.

About the Author

T. I. Shingareva
Education Institution “Mogilev state university of food”

Shingareva Tatyana I. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief of the department of technology of milk and dairy products 

3, Schmidt Ave, Mogilev 212027, Republic of Belarus


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For citations:

Shingareva T.I. Dependence of indicators of quality of yogurt product from buttermilk content in mix. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(2):83-92. (In Russ.)

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