
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Improvement of technology of extraction of starch from vegetative raw materials


The technology of extraction of starch from vegetative raw materials which includes following consistently carried out technological operations is improved: research of morphological structure of starch in the vegetative raw materials arriving for processing; process equipment selection (systems sifting) depending on the investigated morphological characteristics of starch; drying of raw materials to absolutely dry condition; as much as possible thin (repeated) crushing of vegetative raw materials; repeated sifting of the crushed vegetative raw materials through system of screen for starch extraction; removals of metallomagnetic impurity; packing, packing, marks and starch transportation.

For citations:

Litvjak V.V. Improvement of technology of extraction of starch from vegetative raw materials. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2013;(3):48-55. (In Russ.)

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