The influence of the system sorbent sorbate on the sorption activity of chitosan
The introduction describes the structure of chitosan, the possible areas of its use in biotechnological production, food industry and medicine, and agriculture. A brief review of the main raw materials bases of chitosan is presented, as well as noted the need to find the optimal mode of the sorbent-sorbate system, to conduct a complete and detailed analysis of the sorption activity of chitosan.
The purpose of the study is to determine the optimal conditions of the sorbent sorbate system to identify indicators of the sorption capacity of chitosan, namely the sorption capacity, the specific surface of the sorbent samples, as well as the distribution coefficient in the sorbent sorbate system.
In the main part, in order to study the influence of the studied factors on the sorption abilities of chitosan, a two-factor experiment was conducted to optimize the modes of the sorbent-sorbate system. To analyze the significance of factors in order to determine the range of optimal values of these indicators (exposure, temperature), two-factor analysis of variance was performed.
The results of the two-factor analysis of variance showed that both indicators (exposure, temperature) reliably influence the sorption capacity of chitosan, their combination is also significant. The maximum sorption activity of chitosan was detected at a temperature of 30 °C and exposure for 60 minutes. The obtained data on the ranges of variation of the studied factors on a controlled indicator formed the basis for the use of the optimal mode in studying the sorption properties of chitosan.
Such indicators of chitosan sorption activity as sorption capacity, specific surface area of sorbent samples, as well as the distribution coefficient in the sorbent-sorbate system were established and analyzed.
About the Authors
O. V. PavlovaBelarus
Pavlova Oksana V. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Scientific Work
Dovator st., 3/1, room 121 а, 230029, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
O. K. Gladkaya
Gladkaya Olga K. – graduate student of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology
Dovator st., 3/1, room 121 а, 230029, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
M. M. Trusova
Trusova Maria M. – graduate student of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology
Dovator st., 3/1, room 121 а, 230029, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
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For citations:
Pavlova O.V., Gladkaya O.K., Trusova M.M. The influence of the system sorbent sorbate on the sorption activity of chitosan. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(4):86-93. (In Russ.)