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Improving the quality and energy efficiency of manufacturing gelatin using membrane technologies with membrane technology application


The article presents the results of the research of ultrafiltration and electrodialysis application in gelatin production. Ultrafiltration and electrodialysis are membrane processes which are used for concentration and demineralization of gelatin broth. The changes in total solids, ash content, protein and non-protein nitrogen content and minerals profile were investigated in samples of raw materials and broth after treatment. Applying of pressure driving membrane technologies allows to achieve concentration of the raw material, which makes it possible to reduce the capacity of evaporators for 4 times. The treatment on the electrodialyse membrane makes it possible to obtain deep demineralized product with residual ash content below the limit of determination by standard methods. The relation between the decrease in electrical conductivity and the duration of the electrodialysis was displayed in diagram. According to the study the use of membrane technology can significantly reduce the energy consumption for evaporation gelatin and improve the quality of the finished product.

About the Authors

O. V. Dymar
RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”; Representative of MEGA a.s. in Republic of Belarus

Dymar Oleg V. — ing., Рh.D, D.E.Sc., Professor, Chief Researcher

29, Kozlova st., 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

T. I. Dymar
Representative of MEGA a.s. in Republic of Belarus

Dymar Tatyana I. — director in the representative office «MEGA a.s.» (Czech Republic) in the Republic of Belarus


M. R. Yakovleva
RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Yakovleva Maryia R. — engineer-technologist

29, Kozlova st., 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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For citations:

Dymar O.V., Dymar T.I., Yakovleva M.R. Improving the quality and energy efficiency of manufacturing gelatin using membrane technologies with membrane technology application. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(1):12-19. (In Russ.)

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