Studying the biological value of flax flour as a promising ingredient in the composition of meat products for prevention of cardiovascular diseases
The article presents the results of research work on the amino acid and fatty acid composition of flax flour as a promising ingredient for meat products manufacturing (cooked sausages and semi-finished meat products). It was found that flax flour is characterized by a higher amino acid balance than wheat flour. For wheat flour, the essential amino acid index was 0,53, the utilitarian coefficient of the amino acid composition was 0,05, and the indicator of comparable redundancy was 6,81; for flax flour, respectively, 1,07, 0,33 and 0,58. A higher content of α-linolenic acid in flax flour (11 times more), belonging to the omega-3 family of polyunsaturated fatty acids, was noted. In this way, flax flour can be recommended for the use as a functional component in the composition of meat products for prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
About the Authors
S. A. GordynetsBelarus
Gordynets Svetlana A. — Ph.D. (Аgricultural), head at the Department of technology of meat products
172, Partizansky Ave., 220075, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
L. A. Charniauskaya
Charniauskaya Liliya A. — Ph.D. (Engineering), senior researcher at the Department of technology of meat products
172, Partizansky Ave., 220075, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
V. M. Napreenko
Napreenko Viktoria M. — junior Researcher at the Department of meat products
172, Partizansky Ave., 220075, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
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For citations:
Gordynets S.A., Charniauskaya L.A., Napreenko V.M. Studying the biological value of flax flour as a promising ingredient in the composition of meat products for prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(2):86-96. (In Russ.)