
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Development of low-protein pasta for phenylketonuria patients


The article presents the data of research on the development of technology for the production of low-protein pasta (vermicelli, rigatoni, spiralli, noodles) for people with metabolic disorders of phenylalanine, the results of evaluating the developed low-protein pasta by organoleptic, physico-chemical indicators are presented. The nutritional values of the pasta prototypes made according to the developed technology were: protein – 0.4 g, phenylalanine – 22 mg. The pasta does not contain gluten, gluten does not exceed 20 mg / kg, which allows people with celiac disease to recommend them for consumption.

About the Authors

Z. V. Lovkis
Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, RUE

Lovkis Zenon V. – corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, General Director.

29 Kozlova street, Minsk 220037

A. V. Sadouskaya
Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, RUE

Sadouskaya Anna V. – Ph.D. (Technical), senior researcher of the department of the technology of tuberous root products.

29 Kozlova street, Minsk 220037

Y. S. Usenia
Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, RUE
Russian Federation

Usenia Julia S. – Ph.D. (Technical), deputy head of the department of the technology of tuberous root products.

29 Kozlova street, Minsk 220037

L. V. Filatova
Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, RUE
Russian Federation

Filatova Lenina V. – senior researcher of the department of the technology of tuberous root products.

29 Kozlova street, Minsk 220037


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For citations:

Lovkis Z.V., Sadouskaya A.V., Usenia Y.S., Filatova L.V. Development of low-protein pasta for phenylketonuria patients. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(3):6-11. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)