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5. GOST 7631-2008. Ryba, nerybnye ob’ekty i produkciya iz nih. Metody opredeleniya organolepticheskih I fizicheskih pokazatelej [State Standard 7631-2008. Fish, non-fish objects and products from them. Methods for the determination of organoleptic and physical parameters] Moscow, Interstate. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, 2009. 16 p. (in Russian).
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10. Golubenko, O.A. Ekspertiza kachestva i sertifikaciya ryby i rybnyh produktov: uchebnoe posobie [Quality examination and certification of fish and fish products: a training manual] O.A. Golubenko, N.V. Konik. - M.: Al’fa-M: INFRA-M, [M .: Alpha-M: INFRA-M] 2011. - 256 p. (in Russian).
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