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Quality assesment of meat product by microbiological indicators


The meat industry takes a leading place among all branches of the food industry. At the same time, meat and its processed products are a serious factor in the spread and increased risk of listeriosis, salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis, botulism, poisoning with staphylococcal enterotoxin, escherichiosis, protozoa.

One of the mandatory requirements for the quality of food products is their safety for human health and stability during storage and sale. Of particular importance to the consumer is the microbiological safety of food products, the provision of which is the main task of bacteriological control at enterprises producing meat and meat products.

About the Authors

I. E. Labazava
Scientific and Practical Centre for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, RUE

Labazava Iryna .E — PhD (Chemist) the head of the Microbiological laboratory of the Republican control and testing complex for foodstuffs quality and safety.

29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk

E. I. Kozeltsava
Scientific and Practical Centre for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, RUE

Kozeltseva Elena I. — researcher at the of the Microbiological laboratory of the Republican control and testing complex for foodstuffs quality and safety.

29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk

E. A. Piatrova
Scientific and Practical Centre for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, RUE

Petrova Eleonora A. — researcher at the of the Microbiological laboratory of the Republican control and testing complex for foodstuffs quality and safety.

29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk


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For citations:

Labazava I.E., Kozeltsava E.I., Piatrova E.A. Quality assesment of meat product by microbiological indicators. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(4):95-102. (In Russ.)

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