Rating of the competitiveness of ketchups sales in Republic оf Belarus
The assessment of the competitive advantage is based on the essence of value, which is the source of obtaining an advantage and dependents on its content, the scale of distribution and other conditions. In this case, the use of indicators is the most important condition and understandable for the consumer, because these indicators are the subject of any competition. The analysis of the competitiveness shows that most of the proposed methods are based on the use of various financial coefficients for analyzing the activities of enterprises, the competitiveness of certain types of products. The determination of the competitiveness index allows you to establish the rating strength of the competitive advantages of products trademarks.
In order to determine the competitive advantages of ketchup, presented in the trade network of Belarus taking into account the indexes of consumer and economic parameters, 15 studied samples have been calculated. The authors identified the fallowing competitive advantages of ketchups: composition, category, brand, packing, labeling, quality level. Further, the coefficients of the weight of the competitive advantages of the samples were calculated and the assessment of the total value of the competitive advantages was carried out, taking into account the degree of the weight. Based on the calculated indexes of consumer and economic parameters, the competitiveness of the samples has been determined and the rating of ketchup has been also assigned.
As a result of the research, the rating is the following: among ketchups of the category «extra» — ketchup of the trademark «Schedro», among ketchups of the category «highest» — ketchup «Gusto», among ketchups of the category «the first» — ketchup «Iam Heppy», among ketchups of the category «the second» — ketchup «Tomato Signor».
About the Authors
E. V. RoshchinаBelarus
Roschinna Elena V. — Ph.D. (Ingineering)
50. Prospect October, 246029, Homel
T. V. Vasiuta
Vasyuta Tatiana V. — is a Ph.D student
50. Prospect October, 246029, Homel
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For citations:
Roshchinа E.V., Vasiuta T.V. Rating of the competitiveness of ketchups sales in Republic оf Belarus. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2021;14(1):69-78. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/2073-4794-2021-14-1(51)-69-78