
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Changes in the peroxide number and thermal oxidation products in deep-frying fats in the production of snack products


The quality of frying fat is important in the production of snack products. High temperature, oxygen, water spoil the fat. The stability of frying fat is very important for manufacturers. Botanical extracts (natural antioxidants) are preferred by humans, maintain an attractive clean label, extend the life of the deep fryer before replacing it, extend the shelf life of the product. In the course of the research, the possibility of a significant extension of the period of use of frying fats with the addition of antioxidants “Extrale” was confirmed, effective parameters for monitoring the quality of frying fats were identified and substantiated. In the test, a natural extract of rosemary was used, as well as food additives complex “Extrale RT” and “Extrale GT” produced by the Republic of Belarus. Using the synergism of rosemary extract, green tea extract and a mixture of tocopherols, Belagrolex specialists managed to create new and very effective antioxidants. Based on our research experience, the introduce the measurement of peroxide value and express methods for controlling the content of oxidized substances for quality control of frying fat is recommended. The control of these parameters will significantly improve the quality of snack products, and the use of Ektrale antioxidants will extend their shelf life and the time of using frying fat.

About the Authors

A. G. Dorofeyev
Belagrolex, LLC

Dorofeyev Andrey Georgievich — Director.

Timiryazeva str., 65a, office 543, 220035, Minsk

S. I. Chaevskij
Belagrolex, LLC

Chayevsky Sergey Ivanovich — Chief Technologist.

Timiryazeva str., 65a, office 543, 220035, Minsk


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For citations:

Dorofeyev A.G., Chaevskij S.I. Changes in the peroxide number and thermal oxidation products in deep-frying fats in the production of snack products. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2022;15(2):80-84. (In Russ.)

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