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Development and evaluation of consumer properties of enriched bakery products for the nutrition of schoolchildren


The modern learning process is associated with intense physical, psychological and intellectual stress, and therefore the requirements for school meals, as a source of vital micronutrients, are increasing every year. Bakery products occupy a special place in the diet of schoolchildren. The article presents the results of research on the development of the technology of enriched bakery products «Ranitsa» and «Youth» for the nutrition of school-age children and an assessment of their consumer properties. The possibility of filling the deficiency of micronutrients in schoolchildren through the use of these bakery products in the diet is shown. Changes in the quality indicators of enriched bakery products during storage are given.

About the Authors

H. A. Zhurnia
RUE Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Zhurnia Hanna Alexandrovna — Researcher of the Nutrition Department.

29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk

L. A. Melnikova
Belarusian state University of Economics

Melnikova Ludmila Alexandrovna — PhD (Biology) Associate Professor of the Department of Commodity Science and Expertise.

Minsk, Partizansky Ave., 26


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For citations:

Zhurnia H.A., Melnikova L.A. Development and evaluation of consumer properties of enriched bakery products for the nutrition of schoolchildren. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2022;15(2):85-90. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)