
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Pork by-products: amino acid composition and protein balance


   The results of studies on determination of protein content and its amino acid composition for pork by-products of different morphological structure (liver, heart, brains, kidneys, lungs, stomach, cheek, ears, legs, skin), as well as comparative analysis with pork are presented. Calculations of amino acid rate and other coefficients and criteria of biological value of protein (index of essential amino acids, utility coefficient of amino acid composition, index of comparable redundancy) were carried out.

About the Authors

O. G. Khodoreva
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Olga Gennadievna Khodoreva, head of the sector

Subsidiary National Research and Manufacturing Unitary Enterprise at the Food Research and Engineering Center National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry

sector for standardization and rationing of the meat industry


172 Partizansky Ave.


K. A. Marchenko
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Kristina Alexandrovna Marchenko, junior researcher

Subsidiary National Research and Manufacturing Unitary Enterprise at the Food Research and Engineering Center National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry

sector of standardization and rationing of meat industry


172 Partizansky Ave.


S. A. Gordynets
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Svetlana Anatolievna Gordynets, PhD (Agriculture), head of department

Subsidiary National Research and Manufacturing Unitary Enterprise at the Food Research and Engineering Center National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry

meat products technology department


172 Partizansky Ave.



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For citations:

Khodoreva O.G., Marchenko K.A., Gordynets S.A. Pork by-products: amino acid composition and protein balance. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2022;15(3):79-85. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)