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Prospects for the use of sprouted buckwheat grain in the production of non-alcoholic beverages


Buckwheat is a pseudo-cereal culture which does not contain gluten and is consumed as a functional food in some regions. Traditionally, buckwheat grain is used to make buckwheat groats and flour. Sprouting improves the nutritional value of buckwheat grain by activating hydrolytic enzymes that make nutrients available to the growth of the plant as well as to the human body. This article provides research on the nutrient content of buckwheat before sprouting and in the sprouted buckwheat. For germination we used buckwheat groats (not steamed), which had a cream color with a greenish hue, humidity 12,0 %, the percentage of high-quality kernel 99,4 %. Buckwheat grain was sprouted in the spring for 36-46 hours to the size of roots of an average of 5 mm. According to organoleptic indicators, the sprouted grain had a pleasant sweet taste and a subtle nutty aftertaste.  The most significant in terms of providing the macronutrients coming with sprouted buckwheat grain are starch (31,84±0,6) %, sugars (5,1±0,3) % and protein (5,67±0,02) %. Sprouted buckwheat grain contains all essential amino acids (30,5 % of the total number of amino acids). The limiting amino acid is threonine (amino acid score of 31,7 %). Among the nonessential amino acids, a high content of glutamic acid (1,0972 g per 100 g) was found. The coefficient of differences of amino acid score is 54,75 %, the potential biological value of protein is 45,25 %. 100 g of sprouted buckwheat grain contains 48,5 % of the daily requirement of manganese, 24,0 % of copper, 18,9 % of iron for women, 34,0 % - for men, about 23,0 % of the daily requirement of vitamin B1 and 12,7 % of the daily requirement of vitamin E. In addition, sprouted buckwheat grain contains fiber, an average of 6,5 % of the daily requirement. Sprouted buckwheat grain is a perspective raw material for the development of technology of non-alcoholic beverages on vegetable raw materials, analogues of “plant-based milk”.

About the Author

M. L. Zenkova
Educational Institution “Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies”

Zenkova Maria Leonidovna, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Doctoral student 

3 Schmidt Av, 212027, Mogilev


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For citations:

Zenkova M.L. Prospects for the use of sprouted buckwheat grain in the production of non-alcoholic beverages. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2022;15(4):25-33. (In Russ.)

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