The influence of modern technological aids on the formation of varietal characteristics of apple natural wines
The development of the wine industry of the Republic of Belarus is connected with the development of varietal fruit and berry winemaking. The most important requirements for varietal wines are the guaranteed provision of high organoleptic characteristics and stability during long shelf life of products. The purpose of the work is to establish the relationship between the use of modern technological aids for the clarification and stabilization of wine materials and the organoleptic characteristics of varietal wines obtained with their use. The influence of the use of modern technological aids on the optimization of the qualitative composition and the formation of varietal characteristics of fruit and berry natural wines is investigated. The main groups of modern stabilizing agents used in domestic and foreign winemaking practice (antioxidants, enzymes, sorbents, flocculants and hydrocolloids) were used in the work. A significant effect of stabilizing agents on the formation of varietal characteristics of fruit and berry natural wines is shown. 6 complex schemes of clarification and stabilization of fruit and berry natural wine materials with the use of modern stabilizing agents that ensure the preservation and development of varietal characteristics of wines are recommended.
About the Authors
O. L. ZubkouskayaBelarus
Zubkovskaya Oksana Leonidovna, Senior Research Fellow of the Group for the Wine and Beer Non-Alcoholic Industry of the Technology Department for Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Products
29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk
N. R. Rabchonak
Rabchonok Natalya Rostislavovna, Head of the Group for the Wine and Beer and NonAlcoholic Industry of the Technology Department for Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Products
29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk
A. N. Matievskaya
Matievskaya Anna Nikolaevna, process engineer of the Group for the Wine and Beer Non-Alcoholic Industry of the Technology Department for Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Products
29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk
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For citations:
Zubkouskaya O.L., Rabchonak N.R., Matievskaya A.N. The influence of modern technological aids on the formation of varietal characteristics of apple natural wines. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2022;15(4):34-45. (In Russ.)