Study of the isotope composition of sparkling winess
The article presents the results of a study of the isotopic composition of 24 samples of sparkling wines from various manufacturers.
The aim of the research was to study the polycomponent isotopic composition of sparkling wines and to establish the relationship between the isotopic composition of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon of individual components isolated from wine and the total parameters of the isotopic composition for possible use as quality criteria. Isotope ratios were measured by isotope mass spectrometry with a ConFlo IV continuous flow system, GasBench II isotopic equilibration method; elemental analyzer with high temperature conversion and oxidation reactor.
Along with the determination of the isotopic composition of individual wine components ((δ13СCO2, δ13Сethanol, δ18Сwater, δ18Сethanol)), the total parameters of the isotopic composition were estimated: δ13Сtotal, δ18Сtotal и δ2Htotal. In the studied samples, good correlations were obtained between the isotopic compositions of individual components. In one sample, a difference was found between the data of δ13СCO2 (-10,04 %о), δ13Сethanol (-25,8 %) и δ13Сtotal (-25,86 %), it is possible that the wine contains carbon dioxide formed from the sugar of C4 type plants. These studies have shown that isotope mass spectrometry is an effective way to control the quality of grape wines. A comprehensive study of the components of sparkling wine makes it possible to identify the relationship between different isotope indicators and apply them to assess the geographical and biological origin of the product.
About the Authors
I. M. PochitskayaBelarus
Irina Mikhailovna Pochitskaya, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher — Head of the Research Group of the Republican Control and Testing Complex for the QuaUty and Safety of Food Products
29 Kozlova str.
Yu. F. Roslyakov
Russian Federation
Yury Fedorovich Roslyakov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department
Department of Technology and Bread Products
2 Moscow str.
V. G. Lobanov
Russian Federation
Vladimir Grigorievich Lobanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department
Department of Bioorganic Chemistry and Technical Microbiology
8 Platanovy Boulevard
V. L. Roslik
Valentina Lolievna Roslik, Head of the Laboratory
RepubUcan Control and Testing Complex for Food QuaUty and Safety
Laboratory for Chromatographic Research
29 Kozlova str.
V. S. Yadevich
Vitaly Stanislavovich Yadevich, Junior Researcher
Republican Control and Testing Complex for Food QuaUty and Safety
Laboratory for Chromatographic Research
29 Kozlova str.
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For citations:
Pochitskaya I.M., Roslyakov Yu.F., Lobanov V.G., Roslik V.L., Yadevich V.S. Study of the isotope composition of sparkling winess. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2023;16(1):95-104. (In Russ.)