
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Expanding opportunities for rational use of broiler chicken carcasses with processing defects


Analysis of defects in broiler chicken carcasses that do not meet the requirements of the 2nd grade (with processing defects) obtained during slaughter and primary processing of broiler chickens on an automated line in industrial conditions was carried out. The quality and safety indicators (microbiological) of carcass parts obtained as a result of cutting carcasses with processing defects (after removing damaged parts) were studied, a comparative analysis of the nutritional value of parts obtained during cutting poultry carcasses with and without processing defects was carried out. The research results showed the possibility of using poultry carcasses that do not meet the requirements of the 2nd grade in terms of processing quality, not only for industrial processing, but also for cutting in order to obtain parts of carcasses as one of the rational areas of use. The corresponding addition was taken into account when revising the state standard.

About the Authors

A. V. Meliashchenia
RUE “Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food”

Meliashchenia Aliaksei Victorovich, PhD (Economic), Associate Professor, General Director

29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk

O. G. Khodoreva
RUE “Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry”

Khodoreva Olga Gennadievna, head of the sector for standardization and rationing of the meat industry

172, Partizansky Ave, 220075, Minsk

K. A. Marchenko
RUE “Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry”

Marchenko Kristina Alexandrovna, researcher of sector of standardization and rationing of meat industry

172, Partizansky Ave, 220075, Minsk


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For citations:

Meliashchenia A.V., Khodoreva O.G., Marchenko K.A. Expanding opportunities for rational use of broiler chicken carcasses with processing defects. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2024;17(4):6-15. (In Russ.)

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