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Study of rheological properties of pre-saponated cotton soapstock obtained by the nuclear method


Soapstock is a valuable secondary resource for the oil and fat industry, from which various surfactants, fatty acids, detergents, etc, can be obtained. This article presents comparative results of a study on processing cotton soapstock by the alkaline hydrolysis method of saponification with subsequent salting of the soap mass with table salt. For this purpose, the original soapstock (SP) was diluted with water from 1:1 to 1:4 times relative to the original mass. It was experimentally shown that the density and viscosity of the soap core emulsion, compared to raw soap stock, exceed from 1.11 to 1.74, from 1.01 to 1.07, and 1.66 to 6 times. At the same time, compared to raw diluted soapstock, these values exceed from 0.94 to 1.48 and from 1.67 to 5 times, respectively. This suggests that after salting, the salt solution several times exceeds the density and viscosity of the direct emulsion “oil-fat in water”.

From the point of view of material and raw material resources, as well as technological indicators, the most optimal condition for obtaining a transportable soap emulsion is the “Sample pickling” with a mass ratio of SP: H2O = 2. The results of the degree of settling of the soap core showed the possibility of increasing the settling rate by a sufficient 2 hours. Rheological characteristics of presaponified and salted cotton soapstock indicate the acceptability of pumping the soap core emulsion from one apparatus to another and holding it for sufficient storage periods.

About the Authors

B. F. Kuramboev
Urgench State University

Kuramboev Bekhzod Farkhodovich, basic doctoral student

st. Hamid Alimjon, 14, 220100, Urgench

U. S. Baltaev
Urgench State University

Baltaev Umidbek Sotimbaevich, PhD (Technical), applicant of the Urgench State University

st. Hamid Alimjon, 14, 220100, Urgench

S. Kh. Shamuratov
Urgench State University

Shamuratov Sanzharbek Khusinbai ugli, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD), teacher of Urgench State University

st. Hamid Alimjon, 14, 220100, Urgench

M. Zh. Abdullaev
JSC “Urganch yog’-moy”

Abdullaev Matmurod Zhumamurodovich, Foreman of the Soapstock Processing Shop

Dosova 2, 220100, Urgench

T. A. Sultanova
Urgench State University

Sultanova Tursunoy Akhmadovna, Master student

st. Hamid Alimjon, 14, 220100, Urgench

M. F. Rajabov
Urgench State University

Radjabov Mansur Farkhodovich, PhD (Technical), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Food Technologies, Faculty of Chemical Technologies

st. Hamida Alimjon, 14, 220100, Urgench

U. K. Alimov
Urgench State University; General and Inorganic chemistry Institute of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Alimov Umarbek Kadyrbergenovich, Doctor of Science in Technical Sciences (DSc), senior researcher, leading researcher at the laboratory of phosphate fertilizers of the General and Inorganic Chemistry Institute of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

st. Mirzo Ulugbek, 77-a, 100170, Tashkent


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For citations:

Kuramboev B.F., Baltaev U.S., Shamuratov S.Kh., Abdullaev M.Zh., Sultanova T.A., Rajabov M.F., Alimov U.K. Study of rheological properties of pre-saponated cotton soapstock obtained by the nuclear method. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2024;17(4):44-52. (In Russ.)

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