Analytical characteristics of new enzyme immunoassay systems for beta-lactam antibiotics in food products and raw materials
The analytical characteristics of two developed kits for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of beta-lactam antibiotics were studied. PRODOSCREEN® ELISA-Beta-Lactam kit includes a recombinant microbial beta-lactam receptor that recognizes and binds both penicillins and cephalosporins. PRODOSCREEN® ELISA-Penicillin kit is based on the interaction of penicillins with high affinity polyclonal antibodies specific to these antibiotics. Calibration solutions in both cases are prepared on the basis of ampicillin, therefore, the contents of beta-lactams or penicillins in the samples are measured relative to the concentration of this antibiotic. In the experiments, the specificities of the test systems were determined, the accuracy parameters for measuring the sum of beta-lactam antibiotics were calculated, the ranges of determination and the scopes of application of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays of beta-lactams were established. It was shown that the recovery is significantly different from 1 when the measurements of beta-lactam concentrations in fermented milk products, meat and offal are carried out using the PRODOSCREEN® ELISA-Beta-Lactam kit. This finding was taken into account when calculating the total uncertainty of the method. As for PRODOSCREEN® ELISA-Penicillin test system, its metrologically certified performance characteristics, scope of application and the analytical procedure correspond to the parameters described in MVI.MN 5336-2015.
About the Authors
O. S. KuprienkoBelarus
Kuprienko Olga Sergeevna, PhD (Chemistry), Leading Researcher
5/2, Academic Kuprevich str., 220084, Minsk
A. I. Zilberman
Zilberman Anna Igorevna, Researcher
5/2, Academic Kuprevich str., 220084, Minsk
I. I. Vashkevich
Vashkevich Irina Ignatievna, PhD (Chemistry), LeadingResearcher
5/2, Academic Kuprevich str., 220084, Minsk
O. V. Sviridov
Sviridov Oleg Vasilevich, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Head of the Laboratory «Chemistry of Protein Hormones»
5/2, Academic Kuprevich str., 220084, Minsk
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For citations:
Kuprienko O.S., Zilberman A.I., Vashkevich I.I., Sviridov O.V. Analytical characteristics of new enzyme immunoassay systems for beta-lactam antibiotics in food products and raw materials. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2024;17(4):82-95. (In Russ.)