The use of means of economic-mathematical and statistical analysis in the simulation of compounding compositions and the examination of the quality of new wine products.
About the Authors
N. A. ShelegovaBelarus
Shelegova Natalia Anatolievna — Ph.D. (Ingineering)
Shmidta Ave, 3, 212027, Mogilev
I. P. Ovsyannikova
Ovsyannikova Inna Polikarpovna — Lecturer
Schmidt Ave, 3, 212027, Mogilev
T. V. Urbanovich
Urbanovich Tatiana Valerievna — graduate student
Shmidt Ave, 3, 212027, Mogilev
A. N. Morgunov
Morgunov Artem Nikolaevich — postgraduate
Shmidt Ave, 3, 212027, Mogilev
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For citations:
Shelegova N.A., Ovsyannikova I.P., Urbanovich T.V., Morgunov A.N. The use of means of economic-mathematical and statistical analysis in the simulation of compounding compositions and the examination of the quality of new wine products. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2018;11(1):91-96. (In Russ.)