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Studying of impact of water hydrolysis of raw materials containing collagen on indicators of quality and safety


Results of researches on studying of impact of hydrolysis of raw materials containing collagen in the water environment on indicators of quality and safety of these raw materials are presented in article. It is established that hydrolysis of raw materials containing collagen in the water environment allows to increase considerably amino-acid are fast on the following irreplaceable amino acids (in comparison with not hydrolyzed raw materials): to an isoleucine (from 59.9 % to 92.5 %), to a leucine (from 67.2 % to 100.0 %), to phenylalanine and a tirozin (from 56.6 % to 70.0 %), to a treonin (from 72.5 % to 115.0 %), to a valin (from 99.6 % to 106.0 %), promotes increase in total and the index of irreplaceable amino acids (from 25.5 g/100 g up to 30.5 g/100 г and from 0.7 to 0.8 respectively) and also the content of the following replaceable amino acids: asparaginovy acid (from 1.9 g/100 g up to 3.4 g/100 g), glyutaminovy acid (from 5.4 g /100 g up to 6.9 g/100 g), proline (from 14.7 g/100 g up to 15.8 g/100 g). It is defined that the raw materials containing collagen subjected to hydrolysis in the water environment are characterized by the indicator of comparable redundancy (0.0068) which is brought closer to a standard, ratios (PNZhK + MNZhK) : NZhK (2.0) and PNZhK : MNZhK : NZhK (1 : 2,61 : 1,83), and on the content of linoleic and linolenic acid exceeds a standard in 1.4 and 2.2 times respectively. It is established that on safety indicators (microbiological indicators, toxic elements, antibiotics, pesticides) the raw materials containing collagen subjected to hydrolysis in the water environment conform to requirements of SANNPIGN approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Health of Republic of Belarus of 21.06.2013 No. 52 and Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 034/2013 «About safety of meat and meat products».

About the Authors

A. V. Meliaschenya
RUE “Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry”

Meleshchenya Alexey V. – PhD in economic sciences, Assistant professor, Director

172, Partizansky Ave., 220075, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

T. A. Saveleva
RUE “Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry”

Savelyeva Tamara A. – PhD in veterinary sciences, Assistant professor, scientific secretary

172, Partizansky Ave., 220075, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

I. V. Kaltovich
RUE “Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry”

Kaltovich Irina V. – PhD in technical sciences, senior research associate of department of technologies of meat products

172, Partizansky Ave., 220075, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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For citations:

Meliaschenya A.V., Saveleva T.A., Kaltovich I.V. Studying of impact of water hydrolysis of raw materials containing collagen on indicators of quality and safety. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(2):65-74. (In Russ.)

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