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The application of natural and synthetic antioxidants to increase the oxidation resistance of linseed oil


The effectiveness of several synthetic and natural antioxidants (AO) in inhibiting the oxidation of linseed oil has been studied. Under the conditions of accelerated oxidation at 100 °С, the values of the induction period of oxidation and stabilization factors of linseed oil in the presence of additives of known phenolic AOs, tocopherols, fat-soluble ascorbic acid esters and compositions based on them were determined. The data obtained indicate that ascorbic acid esters effectively inhibit the oxidation of linseed oil. The stabilizing effect of ascorbyl palmitate (AP) increases with an elevation in the content of α-linolenic acid in the oil and a decrease in the oxidative stability of the oil. One AP provided better stabilization efficiency than some known compositions based on it. Kinetic data on the accumulation of oxidation products in linseed oil with AP additives during the storage at room temperature and with free access of the air were obtained, demonstrating high inhibiting activity of AP under these conditions, which provides a possibility to increase the shelf life of the stabilized oil up to 18 months or more.

About the Authors

I. P. Edimecheva
Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems, Belarusian State University

Edimecheva Irina Р. — Ph.D. (Chemistry), leading researcher of laboratory of chemistry of free radical processes.

14 Leningradskaya Str., Minsk, 220108

A. A. Sosnovskaya
Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems, Belarusian State University

Sosnovskaya Anna A. — Ph.D. (Chemistry), leading researcher of laboratory of chemistry Ph.D. (Chemistry), of free radical processes.

14 Leningradskaya Str., Minsk, 220108

O. I. Shadyro
Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems, Belarusian State University

Shadyro Oleg I. — Doctor of Chemistry, professor, head of the laboratory of chemistry of free radical processes.

14 Leningradskaya Str., Minsk, 220108


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For citations:

Edimecheva I.P., Sosnovskaya A.A., Shadyro O.I. The application of natural and synthetic antioxidants to increase the oxidation resistance of linseed oil. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(4):41-51. (In Russ.)

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