Innovative directions of development of vinegar production in the Republic of Belarus
The article presents the results of research and development work on the creation of technologies for the production of new types of vinegar based on starch-containing raw materials with original organoleptic characteristics. The introduction of this technology at the enterprise provides for the introduction of a new stage of the mechanical-enzymatic destruction of starch-containing raw materials with its biotransformation into ethyl alcohol into the current technological scheme of the enterprise.
About the Authors
A. A. PushkarBelarus
Pushkar Alexandr A. — Ph.D. (engineering), head of alcohol and non-alcohol technology.
29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk
D. V. Khlimankov
Khlimankov Dzmitry V. — Ph.D. (engineering), senior Researcher - head of the alcohol and alcoholic beverage industry department of the alcohol and non-alcohol technology technologies.
29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk
V. I. Solovei
Solovei Vadim I. — senior Researcher - researcher, department of Technology of Alcohol and Nonalcoholic Products.
29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk
A. V. Rybak
Rybak Alexander V. — Director.
Zavodskaya St., 1, 223649, village Pokrashevo, Slutsk District, Minsk Region
Zh. N. Scherbitsky
Scherbitsky Zhanna N. — Chief Technologist.
Zavodskaya St., 1, 223649, village Pokrashevo, Slutsk District, Minsk Region
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For citations:
Pushkar A.A., Khlimankov D.V., Solovei V.I., Rybak A.V., Scherbitsky Zh.N. Innovative directions of development of vinegar production in the Republic of Belarus. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(4):52-60. (In Russ.)