Influence of changes in the thermal characteristics of the material on the heating process of minced meat products
This paper describes how the thermophysical characteristics change when meat products are heated. Possible methods of processing experimental data obtained by heating minced meat products are shown. It is established that changes in thermal parameters are caused by complex processes of protein denaturation, fat melting, moisture transition from the bound form to the free form, shrinkage of structural elements, and the formation of resilient-elastic-plastic finished product. As a result, knowing and taking into account the influence of thermal characteristics on the heating process of meat products, it is possible to accurately calculate the duration of heat treatment of minced meat products, which in turn will optimize the cost of energy resources for thermal processes and ensure the production of finished products with high consumer characteristics without underheating or overheating the material of processed products.
About the Authors
М. N. SmaginaBelarus
Smagina Marina N. — Postgraduate Student.
3 Schmidt Ave., 212027, Mogilev
D. A. Smagin
Smagin Denis A. — Ph. D. (Technical), Assistant Professor.
3 Schmidt Ave., 212027, Mogilev
A. A. Smolyak
Smolyak Arkadiy А. — Ph. D. (Technical), Assistant Professor.
3 Schmidt Ave., 212027, Mogilev
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For citations:
Smagina М.N., Smagin D.A., Smolyak A.A. Influence of changes in the thermal characteristics of the material on the heating process of minced meat products. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(4):61-69. (In Russ.)