Study of nutritional and biological value chopped semi-finished products using emulsions from collagen-containing raw material which has undergone technological
The article presents the results of research on the nutritional and biological value of chopped meat semi-products using new types of emulsions from collagen-containing raw materials, which have undergone technological preparation. It has been found that semi-products using emulsions from collagen-containing raw materials fermented by bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus are characterized by high protein content (24.9%), reduced fat content (13.2%), increased amino acid values of essential amino acids: lysine (147.3%), leucine (135.7%), valine (108.0%), threonine (105%), methionine + cysteine (60%), close to the reference values of the index of essential amino acids (1.1), the index of comparable redundancy (0.0032) and the utility coefficient of the amino acid composition (0.52), increased content of polyunsaturated (15.49%)
fat (1: 0.5) and calcium: magnesium (1:1) compared to semi-finished products using emulsions from non-hydrolyzed and hydrolyzed collagen-containing raw materials in an aqueous medium, which indicates the feasibility of using new types of emulsions from raw materials modified by bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus in these products.
About the Author
I. V. KaltovichBelarus
Kaltovich Irina V. — PhD in technical sciences, senior research associate of department of technologies of meat products.
172, Partizansky Ave., Minsk
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For citations:
Kaltovich I.V. Study of nutritional and biological value chopped semi-finished products using emulsions from collagen-containing raw material which has undergone technological. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(3):36-46. (In Russ.)