Use of vegetable raw materials for producing analogues
The article discusses the results of studies aimed at studying the features of the use of plant materials in the manufacture of analogs of dairy products. The recipe composition was selected, the organoleptic characteristics of food products based on plant raw materials were determined. The influence of the composition of plant raw materials on the consumer qualities of analogs of dairy and combined food products has been established. On the basis of the organoleptic assessment, the optimal recipe composition of liquid food products based on plant raw materials with the addition of food flavoring components was selected; fermented food products based on plant materials; pastes based on vegetable raw materials with the addition of flavoring components.
About the Authors
I. V. MiklukhBelarus
Miklukh Inna V. — Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Equipment and Technologies for Milk Canning Production.
Partizansky Ave. 172, 220075, Minsk
L. N. Sokolovskaya
Sokolovskaya Lyudmila N. — Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Equipment and Technologies for Milk Canning Production.
Partizansky Ave. 172, 220075, Minsk
E. V. Bespalova
Bespalova Ekaterina V. — Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Equipment and Technologies for Dairy Canned Production.
Partizansky Ave. 172, 220075, Minsk
G. P. Pinchuk
Pinchuk Grigory P. — chief specialist of the laboratory of equipment and technologies for dairy production.
Prospect Partizansky, 172, 220075, Minsk
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For citations:
Miklukh I.V., Sokolovskaya L.N., Bespalova E.V., Pinchuk G.P. Use of vegetable raw materials for producing analogues. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(3):47-53. (In Russ.)