
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Expertise of the quality of milk chocolate without additions


The enterprises of the confectionery industry of the Republic of Belarus offer a varied assortment of chocolate and products based on it. Confectionery products from other countries are widely represented in the consumer market of our country. As a result, there is a situation where some sellers may supply chocolate to the market that does not fully meet the established requirements and demands of consumers. Therefore, the issues of researching the quality of chocolate are designed to prevent the sale of low quality products and to protect the domestic consumer. The article presents the results of the examination of ten samples of milk chocolate without additives sold in the retail trade network of Minsk, according to a set of indicators: labeling, organoleptic (taste and smell, appearance, shape, consistency, structure), physicochemical (mass fraction of moisture and the mass fraction of ash), safety (heavy metals — lead, cadmium, zinc, copper — by the method of stripping voltammetry).

About the Authors

M. M. Petukhou
Belarus State Economic University

Petukhov Mikhail Mikhailovich — PhD (Engineering)

26 Partizansky Ave., Minsk 220070

A. M. Braikova
Belarus State Economic University

Braykova Alla Mechislavovna — PhD (Chemistry)

26 Partizansky Ave., Minsk 220070

A. D. Staskevich
Belarus State Economic University

Staskevich Alina Dmitrievna — student 

26 Partizansky Ave., Minsk 220070,


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For citations:

Petukhou M.M., Braikova A.M., Staskevich A.D. Expertise of the quality of milk chocolate without additions. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2021;14(4):84-90. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)