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Investigation of the content of antibiotics in food products


   The article considers one of the most important problems of modem science and practice concerning the safety of products and their role in the structure of consumer products. The study of raw materials and food products for the content of antibiotic components is an urgent task, since an increase in productivity and, as a result, a reduction in the cost of production in animal
husbandry and poultry farming is achieved with the rational use of antibiotics and growth stimulants. Domestic producers of agricultural products using antibiotics, mycotoxins, pesticides and growth stimulants in accordance with their technological regulations must guarantee the safety of products for human health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends reducing the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry as much as possible. A rational approach to the use of antibiotics in animals and humans will preserve the activity of these drugs for further use in medicine. Due to the fact that the groups of antibiotics used in humans and animals in agriculture are the same, residual amounts of antibiotics in food products contribute to the emergence of resistant strains of microorganisms in humans. Accordingly, people who use such products develop immunity to taking antibiotics, and in order to obtain the expected effect during treatment, larger doses and stronger drugs are required. Prolonged use of food containing residual amounts of antibiotics, as well as taking antibiotics for therapeutic purposes, can cause adverse health consequences, such as allergic reactions, immune suppression, dysbiosis and toxic effects on the body. To ensure the safety of human health, the maximum permissible norms of daily intake of antibiotics with food have been developed. The residual content of these potentially dangerous compounds in the finished product must be below the maximum permissible levels defined by legislation. The review presents modem methods for investigating residual concentrations of antibiotics, in particular, the method of enzyme immunoassay (hereinafter ELISA) and monitoring of food for traces of antibiotics in 2022 are considered in more detail. The ELISA method is defined by the EU Directive 657/2002 as one of the methods of control of harmful substances and today is one of the most common methods in the world for conducting screening studies of residual amounts of a huge range of harmful substances from antibiotics and mycotoxins to pesticides and dioxins.

About the Authors

A. A. Sulkovskaya
RUE “Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food”

Anastasia Alexandrovna Sulkovskaya, Chemical engineer of the 2nd category

Republican Control and Testing Complex for Food Quality and Safety


29 Kozlova str.


29 Kozlova str.


I. М. Pochitskaya
RUE “Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food”

Irina Mikhailovna Pochitskaya, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher — Head of the Research Group

Republican Control and Testing Complex for the Quality and Safety of Food Products


29 Kozlova str.


N. V. Komarova
RUE “Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food”

Natalia Viktorovna Komarova, PhD (Engineering), Deputy Director General for
Scientific Work and Standardization


29 Kozlova str.



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For citations:

Sulkovskaya A.A., Pochitskaya I.М., Komarova N.V. Investigation of the content of antibiotics in food products. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2023;16(1):85-94. (In Russ.)

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