The article presents the draft Concept of the state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population of the Republic of Belarus for the period up to 2030: maill provisions, goals, maill tasks and principles, priorities for ensuring healthy nutrition of the population of the Republic of Belarus, maill activities in the field of ensuring healthy nutrition, expected results and mechanism concept implementation.
The article provides infoппation on the activities of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Council on Nutrition ProЬiems under thc National Academy of Scicnccs of Bclarus, which is an important coordinating structure in solving nutrition issues through the integration of state institutions, scientific and other interested organizations of the Republic of Belarus.
The article presents the results of the analysis of methodological approaches to improve the quality and competitiveness offood products, taking into account foreign experience: the applied system for labeling products and their origin based on ctigital technologies, tools for rapid notification of risks associated with food and feed for farm animals, software approach to ensuring food security of the population. The principles of ensuring and improving quality and competitiveness in relation to the conditions ofthe Republic ofBelarus are substantiated (guaranteeing quality and food security, а systematic approach to managing risks associated with food products, developing the inftastructure for ensuring the quality and safety of products in the domestic and cross-border markets of the Eшasian Economic Union, investing in sustainaЬie development of agri-food systems and infrastructure for quality assurance ).
Review of scientific publications and basic scientific and practicaJ technologies for the study of the biological functions of the microelement iron, its bioavailability and biosafety of the use of various forms to eliminate iron deficiency in human nutrition. Attention is drawn to the diversity of reasons for the reduced consumption of а microelement in the diet, insufficient assessment of its functions associated with the formation of iron-sulfur clusters of mitochondrial proteins, association with numerous redox processes in tissue structures, and the development of disorders in the immune and neuгophysiological status of the body. lt is stated that the prevention of iron deficiency states should bе based on the ratio: anemia;<iron deficiency. An assessment is given of the transformation of iron forms when using its salt forms, ferricarboxymaltose, vitamin-mineral complexes. The prospects for the use of dietary supplements containing iron in liposomaJ and nanoforms, as well as the expanded use of functional products enriched with а microelement and its complexes, are considered.
Over the past 30 years, the nutrition structure of the population of the Republic of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region, wblch are part of the Baikal region, has undergone significant trnnsformations. It has been established that nutrition in these regions is characterized bу а predorninance of carbohydrntes. Direct correlations between the gross regional product index and the consurnption ofbread products (Rs = 0.657; (0.30-1.27)) and potatoes (Rs = 0.641; (0,28 - 1,24)). At the same time, 41.0 to 43.0% ofthe population is affected bу this dependence.
Based on the results of the research, а technology for the production of specialized food products using micellar casein "High-calorie protein mixture", "Low-calorie protein mixture" was developed. Guidelines for the use of specialized food products using micellar casein "Нigh-calorie protein mixture" in the complex treatment of protein-energy maJnutrition and 1 or sarcopenJa and "Low-calorie protein mixture" using micellar casein in the complex treatmcnt of obesity have becn developed.
In recent decades, there has been а significant increase in metabolic disorders, including insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension and obesity. Dietary straiegies play an important role in the treatment ofthese diseases. However, current clietary recommendations are bascd only on summaries of nutrient intak:c data for all individuals and arc not specific to cach inclividual. Recently, а new concept of personalized nutrition has been developed, according to which cliet becomes а factor responsible not only for the body's rnetabolic responses, such as postprandiaJ glucose peaks, but also for other factors, the most important of which is the intestinal microhiota. The future of personalized nutrition appears to bе in the creation of algorithms based on the characteristics of food consumed, blochemical parameters, physical activity, genetic variability, and iniestinal microblota. All of this data is needed of predict а certain type of diet for а particular person according to his needs and metabolic characteristics. Personalization is а Irend that will continue for а long time. The vast majority of consumers find personalization appealing. А large number of large global companies are working in this area. The personalized nutrition industry is divided into three segments: nutrition, active measurement tools (diagnostics), and services. The growing prevalence of healthy lifestyles will bе the driving force behind the growth of the personalized nutrition market.
The features of bovine whey protein hydrolysis with bacterial endopeptidascs alcalase and protozyme were studied. А comparative analysis ofthe protein-peptide рrofile of enzymatic whey hydrolysates was canied out. The effect of substrate heat pretreatment and the degree of its hydrolysis on the level of antioxidant activity of whey peptides was established. It was shown that heat pretreatment of whey proteins and hydrolysis at optimized conditions resulted in higher degree of their hydrolysis with protozyme, obtaining hypoallergenic proteolysis products.
The idea of the systemic organization of intersectoral relations in the activity on the formation of an assortment of products for school meals, which ensures the achicvcment of its rationality, is substantiated. The synthesis of the principJes of forming the assortment of products is aimed at obtaining an abstract (theoretical) model of the object of study - а complex activity for the formation of the assortment - which can Ье used for applied purposes to increase the orderliness of the relationships between the elements of the system and the degree of its dynamism.
Тhis article shows the role of nutrition in maintaining human health, the results of the analysis of the student nutrition survey, the need to improve the nutrition culture of students at the level of educational programs of general higher education.
The article presents the results of the development of new types of canned desserts using sprouted wheat and buckwheat grains as а source ofvegetaЬie protein, carbohydтates and dietary fiber. Optimum ratios of gernrinated grains, fruit and other components have been inves:tigated, in connection with this the ratios of recipe components of canned desserts have been established, at which end products will have high organoleptic characteristics. The objects of the research were model samples of desserts with sea buckthorn or Ыackcurrant and sprouted grain. Research on raw became the basis for designing formulations and developing technology for obtaining new types of canned products, in which components mutually complement each other Ьу valuaЬle nutrients. Ву mass concentration of functional ingredients such as vitamins В,, В,, Е, 13 -carotene and dietary fiber, desserts can refer to functional products.
The data оп the nutritional value of potatoes are given. The advantages of potatoes with colored pulp of tubers and its role in healthy ( dietary) human nutrition are substantiated. Recomrnendations on the effective use of tubers with pigmented puJp and characteristics of the varieties created in the Center of this ditection are given.
Wheat, гуе and barley endosperm proteim (glutens, inclucling gliadins) provoke the development of celiac disease, for which the only treatment is а gluten-free diet. The control of gluten concentration in foods is based on the quantitative determination of gliadin that makes up 50% of total gluten. А test system for the quantitative determination of gliadin in food Ьу an enzyme immunoassay, "PRODOSCREEN® ELISA-Gliadin" (TU ВУ 100185129.195-2022), has been designed. In terms of technical and analytical level parameters, the test system corresponds to Ridascreen® Gliadin ( art. R 7001) ELISA kit, which is used in Belarus and has the status of an АОАС Official Method No 2012.01. We found that the conventional sample preparation procedure, inclucling mechanical homogenization and extraction of gliadin with 70% ethanol, did not provide complete extraction of gliadin from foods with а plasticine-like consistency and led to false negative results. То solve the matrix-effect proЬiem, а special cocktail was developed enaЬiing additional chemical homogenization of samples.