
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Vol 17, No 4 (2024)
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6-15 8

Analysis of defects in broiler chicken carcasses that do not meet the requirements of the 2nd grade (with processing defects) obtained during slaughter and primary processing of broiler chickens on an automated line in industrial conditions was carried out. The quality and safety indicators (microbiological) of carcass parts obtained as a result of cutting carcasses with processing defects (after removing damaged parts) were studied, a comparative analysis of the nutritional value of parts obtained during cutting poultry carcasses with and without processing defects was carried out. The research results showed the possibility of using poultry carcasses that do not meet the requirements of the 2nd grade in terms of processing quality, not only for industrial processing, but also for cutting in order to obtain parts of carcasses as one of the rational areas of use. The corresponding addition was taken into account when revising the state standard.

16-26 5

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of people who adhere to plant-based diets for various reasons: medical, ethical, religious, etc. The article examines the main types of diets that focus on food products based on plant materials, with a complete refusal or insignificant consumption of animal products. The features of the impact of long-term refusal of animal products on human health are analyzed. The need to take into account risk factors that can lead to nutrient deficiencies when switching to a plant-based diet and the importance of replenishing the diet with new types of balanced products are noted. The main types of plant materials that can serve as an alternative to replace animal products are considered.

27-34 8

The article presents studies of the influence of electromembrane treatment on changes in the chemical composition and technological quality of molasses, as well as the establishment of optimal technological parameters for its electromembrane treatment. The research results will be used to develop a new method for the sugar industry of the republic using the electrodialysis in order to increase the efficiency of sugar enterprises in the Republic of Belarus.

35-43 7

The article the information about the oxidative processes that occur in emulsion products based on liquid vegetable oils, and also analyzes the quality indicators of the raw materials used for the manufacture of mayonnaise products are provides.

44-52 9

Soapstock is a valuable secondary resource for the oil and fat industry, from which various surfactants, fatty acids, detergents, etc, can be obtained. This article presents comparative results of a study on processing cotton soapstock by the alkaline hydrolysis method of saponification with subsequent salting of the soap mass with table salt. For this purpose, the original soapstock (SP) was diluted with water from 1:1 to 1:4 times relative to the original mass. It was experimentally shown that the density and viscosity of the soap core emulsion, compared to raw soap stock, exceed from 1.11 to 1.74, from 1.01 to 1.07, and 1.66 to 6 times. At the same time, compared to raw diluted soapstock, these values exceed from 0.94 to 1.48 and from 1.67 to 5 times, respectively. This suggests that after salting, the salt solution several times exceeds the density and viscosity of the direct emulsion “oil-fat in water”.

From the point of view of material and raw material resources, as well as technological indicators, the most optimal condition for obtaining a transportable soap emulsion is the “Sample pickling” with a mass ratio of SP: H2O = 2. The results of the degree of settling of the soap core showed the possibility of increasing the settling rate by a sufficient 2 hours. Rheological characteristics of presaponified and salted cotton soapstock indicate the acceptability of pumping the soap core emulsion from one apparatus to another and holding it for sufficient storage periods.

53-59 7

The amount of damaged starch in flour is one of the significant characteristics of its quality, which is of interest to all industries related to the production of grain processing products. The content of damaged starch directly affects the rheological properties of flour during kneading and fermentation of dough, the moisture-retaining properties of flour, as well as the actual yield of bakery products and their appearance.

The article presents experimental data on the degree of starch damage to samples of wheat flour of the highest grade M54-28, the results of a study on the effect of the degree of starch damage on the rheological properties of the dough from wheat flour of the highest grade M54-28.

60-66 5

Researches on creation of tinned vegetable and fruit sauces for a food of children of the preschool and school age answering to criteria of quality, safety and food value of production of this group are conducted. Food value of the developed assortment of sauces is analysed, the maintenance nutrientov in production, expressed in percentage of norms of physiological requirements for them of children of preschool and school age is defined. Selection of components of sauces is carried out. The comparative analysis of indicators of quality of sauces for baby food with general purpose sauces is carried out. The maintenance 5-oksimetilfurfurola in fruit sauce in the course of it operational manufacturing in the conditions of industrial production is analysed.

67-75 17

This paper uses design-based response surface analysis methodology to optimize polysaccharide-based film materials, which were characterized by swelling ratio, gel fraction, water vapor transmission rate, tensile strength, and elongation at break (dependent variables). Films were prepared by casting using corn starch, carboxymethylcellulose (polysaccharide ratio 80:20 w/w), polyvinyl alcohol (5–15,5 wt%), glycerol (20–50 wt%) and crosslinker (7 wt%). Citric, succinic or glutaric acid was used as a cross-linking compound. As a result of regression analysis, the influence of the varying the concentration of polyvinyl alcohol and glycerol on the dependent variables values of the films was demonstrated and optimal concentrations of synthetic polymer and plasticizer were determined: 10–15,5 wt% and 30–40 wt% respectively. It has been established that samples obtained in the presence of citric acid to achieve better barrier and mechanical properties.

76-81 6

Brewing is a high-tech process that requires a careful approach to the selection of raw materials, especially barley, which is the primary ingredient for malt production. The quality and characteristics of barley directly influence the final properties of beer, such as taste, aroma, color, and foam formation. Therefore, understanding how different varieties of barley affect the brewing properties of malt becomes an important factor for achieving stable quality and economic efficiency in brewing.

This article presents a comparative analysis of the quality indicators of five barley samples used for brewing. The barley varieties that are most preferable in terms of producing high-quality beer and increasing the efficiency of malting and brewing processes have been identified.

82-95 6

The analytical characteristics of two developed kits for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of beta-lactam antibiotics were studied. PRODOSCREEN® ELISA-Beta-Lactam kit includes a recombinant microbial beta-lactam receptor that recognizes and binds both penicillins and cephalosporins. PRODOSCREEN® ELISA-Penicillin kit is based on the interaction of penicillins with high affinity polyclonal antibodies specific to these antibiotics. Calibration solutions in both cases are prepared on the basis of ampicillin, therefore, the contents of beta-lactams or penicillins in the samples are measured relative to the concentration of this antibiotic. In the experiments, the specificities of the test systems were determined, the accuracy parameters for measuring the sum of beta-lactam antibiotics were calculated, the ranges of determination and the scopes of application of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays of beta-lactams were established. It was shown that the recovery is significantly different from 1 when the measurements of beta-lactam concentrations in fermented milk products, meat and offal are carried out using the PRODOSCREEN® ELISA-Beta-Lactam kit. This finding was taken into account when calculating the total uncertainty of the method. As for PRODOSCREEN® ELISA-Penicillin test system, its metrologically certified performance characteristics, scope of application and the analytical procedure correspond to the parameters described in MVI.MN 5336-2015.

96-100 5

Today, the demand for high-quality and environmentally friendly alcoholic beverages is growing in the world. Many manufacturers pay attention to the preservation of traditional technologies based on high-quality raw materials. At the same time, buyers focus on the unique organoleptics of products, which accordingly encourages manufacturers to experiment with various technologies and formulations.

At the moment, there are no technologies for the production of potato distillates and original spirits based on them in our country. The production of these products, produced at enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, would significantly expand the range, as well as the set of flavors and aromas of high-quality alcoholic beverages. At the same time, it made it possible to create an assortment of alcoholic beverages with unusual specific organoleptic characteristics, as well as reduce imports.

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)