
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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No 2 (2016)
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3-11 157
The article presents the main results of the work of Scientific-Practical Center for foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on scientific and technological support food processing industries. Achievements on the development of a functional purpose products and infant food are noted. Series of productions have been created, the system of quality achievement works successfully, postgraduate studies and Dissertation Advisory Council were created, scientific and technical journal is published.
11-17 140
The article presents the results of the state enterprise «Beltehnohleb» the 10-year period of their work. A number of manufacturing technologies of bakery and pastry products have been created, including the supply of school-age children, the elderly, people engaged in heavy physical work, to meet modern standards in the field of standardization, sanitary inspection of raw materials and security products.
17-24 138
The article presents the operating results of the Republican Unitary Enterprise «Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry» aimed at the development of new products, including functional foods, baby foods, dietary and specialized food, the development of modern technologies in the production of meat and dairy products, research in the field of processing of secondary dairy materials.
24-29 165
The article presents the results of the work of specialists of crops Product Technology of root RUE «Scientific - Practical Center for foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus» scientific support potato processing, sugar and food-concentrates industries food industry: the development of new technologies and products, regulatory documentation.
29-39 166
This article provides information about research, Technology Division food preservation in 2006-2015. Are the results of the work on the creation of new types of canned products based on fruit and vegetables and develop technologies of their manufacture, including the creation of specialized food products. Provides information on basic research and new directions of work.
40-46 172
The article presents the main results of work of specialists of Department of technologies confectionery and oil and fat products of RUE « Scientific-Practical Center for foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus » on scientific support of confectionery and oil and fat food industry. Brief description of the main developments over the last decade is presented.
46-55 165
The article deal with current trends in the development of alcohol, beer and soft drinks industries in Belarus and work on scientific support of production activities of enterprises conducted by experts of RUE «Scientific-Practical Center for foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus». Marked the most prospective innovations embedded in the enterprises of our republic. The main directions of innovation are chalk out for the development of competitive and resource-saving technologies in the framework of close cooperation between science and industry and in terms of international cooperation.
55-58 141
The article presents the main results of the activities of the nutrition division for the period from 2008 to 2015. Shows the operation of the Department to create functional and innovative food products, develop methods to control food quality and safety, as well as the participation of the Department in the study of the micronutrient composition of food raw materials and foodstuffs of the population of the Republic of Belarus.
58-66 133
Results of researches and development of new technologies and not standard mechanical production for food processing industries are given in article. The results are received by specialists of department of new technologies and equipment of Scientific-Practical Center for foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
66-72 198
Republican control-testing complex on food product quality and safety provides quality and safety control of food raw materials and food products in the Republic of Belarus. Тhe article presents data on the equipping of the complex modern equipment, allowing to determine the content of preservatives, synthetic dyes, vitamins, mycotoxins, pesticides, and other components in the raw materials and products, developed methods are listed.
72-80 134
The article contains results of the work of Scientific-Practical Center for foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the international cooperation: organization and holding of international conferences and seminars, advertising achievements of the organization at the international exhibitions, implementation of scientific projects with representatives of international organizations. As a result of this work there was a positive trend of development of scientific-technical cooperation with foreign research organizations.
81-89 278
Carried out acid hydrolysis of starch and investigated the physico-chemical properties. It is established that optimal conditions for obtaining gelling acid-modified starch are: acid concentration of 0,5 n., temperature 48 ºC with for the duration of treatment of 5,5 hours. The increase in acid concentration resulted in a significant decrease in processing time starch, which testifies to the priority the destruction of amorphous areas of the starch granules due to the action of acid.
90-96 166
In the article cited results of questioning of the Belarusian residents about consumer preferences of chocolate. The priority factors affecting the chocolate consumer are established. The recommendations about improvement of the assortment of chocolate in Belarus are given.

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)