No 4 (2016)
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3-12 154
The article deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of the economy as a power sphere of economics that studies the ways and directions of reducing the uncertainty distribution of limited resources and scarce food by finding and selecting the best ways of their production. The basic principles of an effective national food system and its current trends change. A new approach to the study of modern economics power not as the food chain, as well as a network, in the center of which is the consumer.
12-17 110
The main results of the monitoring of national food security, the results of monitoring food quality and safety in domestic market of the Republic of Belarus have been designated. The most actual tendencies in the field of food security and food safety in the Republic of Belarus have been revealed. Обозначены перспективные направления работы по реализации концепции государственной политики в области здорового питания населения Республики Беларусь на период до 2020 года. Promising directions for the implementation of the concept of public policy of healthy eating of Belarusian population for the period up to 2020 have been designated.
18-24 120
The results of scientific support tasks 2.6 "To develop technology and build a multifunctional line for evacuating potato and Jerusalem artichoke" Union State program "Innovative development of the potato and Jerusalem artichoke on 2013-2016gody" performed by employees of the department of new technologies and equipment in 2015. The main stages of work, and research results.
24-29 155
The roller conveyor construction for potato and sunchokemoving at the expense of rolls rotation around its axis is considered in article. Conveyor power calculation and the power consumption at processing line of specified productivity were carried out, resistance force and tension in all parts of the circuit was determined.
29-37 130
One of the main directions of development of fat-and-oil industry of the Republic of Belarus for the near future is improvement of technological processes by the introduction of progressive methods of producing modified fats. This will improve the performance of domestic enterprises, improve the quality and expand the range of the produced oil products. An excellent opportunity to create fat compositions relevant current safety requirements, opens the transesterification process that is widespread in many developed countries of the world. This article is devoted to the research of the influence of technological factors of chemical transesterification on physicochemical and rheological properties of modified fats.
37-44 147
The article is about the primary processing of milk whey, in particular, the prospect of its processing with electric spark discharges. Reasonability of application of electric discharges in whey processing technology is confirmed by experimental researches and mathematical and statistical analysis.
It is confirmed that electro-hydraulic impact influenced positively on microbiological indicators of processed milk whey. It is proposed a technological scheme of primary processing of milk whey with electro-hydraulic method.
It is confirmed that electro-hydraulic impact influenced positively on microbiological indicators of processed milk whey. It is proposed a technological scheme of primary processing of milk whey with electro-hydraulic method.
45-53 148
The paper concerns with effect of some apiproducts, namely honey, bee bread and drone brood homogenate, on technological characteristics of wheat flour composite mixtures as well as bread quality. All the products have been found to improve biotechnological properties of yeast and influence positively on bread taste and odor. Due to their unique chemical composition, bee bread along with drone brood homogenate could be treated as biologically active additives to enhance nutritional value of wheat flour products.
54-63 173
In the article cited dates about elaboration of technology of the new kind of jelly confectionery products on the basis of carrageenan. The influence of the different raw materials on structure making processes in jelly mass with carrageenan is studied. Jelly confectionery products which the reduce dosage of jellying agent is developed.
63-68 151
Studied technology known hikes in the production of food enriched with vitamin D, fortification dosage calciferol. The necessity to use enrichment technology in conjunction with vitamin D and other vitamin factors calcium. A model of a food additive (premix) containing calciferol and vitamins C, B2, A, folic acid and calcium.
68-74 152
The article investigates the characteristics of flax meal as a promising ingredient in the enrichment of sugar cookie. It is shown that flax flour has a high nutritional value, which is determined by the amino acid and fatty acid composition, macro- and micronutrient complex, that allows us to consider the possibility of using it as a supplement to enrich the finished products with the aim of giving them preventive properties. We consider the chemical composition of flax flour compared to wheat flour senior and first grade, organoleptic and physico-chemical evaluation of the quality of sugar cookies, made according to a recipe with the addition of 20% flax meal, the nutritional value of the finished product.
75-79 133
The investigations on the development of new functional foods with dietary mashed potatoes or Jerusalem artichoke powder on the basis of semi-finished bakery products (bread, pancakes, muffins, cookies).
79-84 160
The article presents the results of original research on the influence of dietary food product of the White Sea seaveed on intestinal microbiocenosis against the background of dysbiosis caused by antibiotics. It was shown that the product has prebiotic properties, resulting in preserving normal flora intestinal dysbiosis in emerging in the early stages, and exhibits an antibacterial and fungicidal effects against opportunistic pathogens.
84-89 173
We have researched investigating the properties and composition of chitin-glucan complex, which had been isolated from the by-product of the production of citric acid Aspergillus niger L-4 on our developed technology.The pigment melanin causes the dark color of chitin-glucan complex.Color is one of the most important characteristics of food products, which is largely influenced by consumer preferences. For the formation of the aesthetic characteristics of the chitin-glucan complex had been put multivariate experiment to determine the parameters of the bleaching of chitin-glucan complex and varying its color painting.
90-97 138
The article discusses the possibility of using of Belarusian origin oak wood, as well as apple, in the production of alcoholic beverages. It is noted that the main criterion is the chemical composition of wood for selection its for the production of alcoholic beverages. The analysis of the initial component of investigated wood conducted. The rationale for pre-treatments was supply for the formation of given component of the wood and the preparation of its extractive components for extraction. Optimal methods of pre-treatments wood and the accumulation of extractives and aromatic components according to type of wood were established. Organoleptic characteristics reported by extractive components of different types of woo were investigated, on the basis of which recommendations directions of their use in the production of alcoholic beverages.
98-101 122
The paper proposes a model for the overall evaluation of quality indicators and safety of food products in the formulation of the product in the production and definition of the economic factor to achieve quality and safety of food products, the application of which will determine the merit and competitiveness of the product at factor approximation to the "1" or the ability to analyze and subsequent achievement of quality and product safety in the K-value of <0.5. There is a table with the effort required to define verifiable indicators of quality and safety, and the values of the estimated coefficient of quality and safety.
101-106 154
In article the general classification of water is offered, quality indicators of drinking water are defined. Researches of structure of 8 samples of drinking waters are conducted. At samples the maintenance of toxic elements, standards of physiological full value of drinking water, indicators of organoleptic pollution, indicators of salt and gas structure, inorganic substances, and also organoleptic properties of drinking water is defined.
ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)