
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Vol 15, No 1 (2022)
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6-14 218

The article presents the main results of the work of the RUE «Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food» for 2021. The key energy- and resource-saving technologies and new types of products that the scientists of the Center worked on were noted. The results of fundamental and applied research and the strategic directions of the organization’s activities for the near future are presented.

15-20 228

The morphological and biochemical qualities of new potato varieties of Belarusian selection for suitability for the production of crispy potato have been studied. The influence of the content of dry substances and reducing sugars on indicators of the quality of the finished product has been studied.

21-30 219

Researches of the main economically valuable traits of Belarusian varieties of oil flax - Brest, Ilim, Opus, Salyut, Focus were carried out. It has been established that the total infection of flax seeds with a complex of pathogens does not exceed 27.2%, field germination by varieties on average over the years of testing was 81.8%–87.1%, plant survival 79.6–83.3%. The maximum productivity of seeds of the presented varieties and the oil content in them were studied, the analysis of the crop structure was carried out. The fatty acid composition of linseed oil, the content of omega-3 -linolenic acid, tocopherols, carotenoids, coenzyme Q10, and phytosterols have been studied. It has been established that the oxidative stability of the studied samples of linseed oil decreases with an increase in the content of -linolenic acid. To ensure effective antioxidant protection of specialized food products based on linseed oil, stabilizers based on fat-soluble derivatives of ascorbic acid were used, which make it possible to significantly inhibit the processes of oxidation and oxidative degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Based on the results obtained, formulations and technologies for obtaining two specialized food products based on linseed oil have been developed.

31-36 235

The paper presents brief biological characteristics of the main objects of pond farming of carp, white silver carp, mottled silver carp and their interspecific hybrids. The food value and chemical composition of the fathead meat and its use as the main raw material in the production of essential low-calorie foodstuffs are given.

37-40 186

A review of the results of scientific studies showing the high biological activity of drone brood homogenate is presented. The chemical composition and possible applications of drone homogenate are considered. The presented results of the analysis allowed us to justify the use of drone homogenate as a valuable and promising functional additive that can be used in the production of various functional food products, including bread.

41-52 236

The article presents the results of research to ensure the safety of peeled potatoes in various types of vacuum packaging stored under controlled conditions of a laboratory stand. It was found that at a temperature of 4 ± 1 °C and a relative humidity of 85 - 95%, samples of peeled potatoes in the considered storage range retained their quality in packaging samples: No. 3 (biaxially oriented polypropylene film) and No. 9 (a prototype of biodegradable film on based on polylactic acid). In other types of packaging, the peeled potatoes were excessively moist with rotted spots or excessively dry surfaces.

53-60 169

A mechanism for achieving food competitiveness for enterprises producing healthy food products is proposed, consisting of organizational, economic, social, production, information blocks, as well as blocks of scientific, personnel support, marketing, quality formation and declaration, which detail the procedure and methodology for analyzing what has been achieved.

61-66 227

The article describes the relevance of the use of membrane processes in the starch branch of the Republic of Belarus, and also recommends certain membrane methods for use at various stages of production. It has been established that one of the most important issues in the industry today is to improve the quality indicators of starch corn syrup produced by RUPE «Exon-Glucose». The results of studies of the process of electrodialysis purification of syrups and molasses are described, on the basis of which the degree of their demineralization increases, and also the color is improved.

67-76 135

The article describes the conditions for ensuring high-quality washing of potato and Jerusalem artichoke tubers of technological varieties. The device and the principle of operation of the installation are reflected. The key parameters affecting the efficiency of the washing machine have been determined: the frequency of rotation of the brush shafts, the frequency of rotation of the drive shaft of the washing basket, the length of the basket position adjusting screw, the amplitude of the basket vibrations, the number of nozzles on the bar, the angle of installation of the washing bath of the machine, the degree of loading it with raw materials. The output estimated parameters of the machine, such as productivity, power consumption, water consumption, and washing quality, are also characterized.

Experimental dependences of the productivity of the washing machine on the geometric (angles of installation of the machine bath, the length of the adjusting screw of the basket position, the amplitude of the basket oscillation), mechanical (frequency of rotation of the brush shaft, the frequency of rotation of the drive shaft of the washing basket) and technological (degree of filling the washing bath with raw materials, properties of raw materials) were obtained, gate opening degree, number of nozzles on the boom) parameters.

77-79 217

The article presents data from an anonymous survey conducted among tenth-grade students of schools in Minsk using the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. On the basis of the results obtained, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of eating disorders associated with overeating, and contributing to the development of overweight in the aftermath, was carried out. The issues of the formation of an incorrect food stereotype in adolescents as a risk factor for the development of obesity are discussed. A general description of the three main types of eating behavior (emotional, external and restrictive), which are a predictor of overweight, is given.

80-87 181

An overview of the main groups of disinfectants used in the food industry is presented in article. The opportunity of their using to suppress the microbiological infection during extraction in sugar production is evaluated. The results of laboratory studies of the effects of low-toxic antimicrobial agents (polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride (PGMG) and sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate (SDK)) on the bacterial activity of the juice-beet chips mixture, diffusion juice, beet juice and on the main indicators of the technological quality of diffusion juice are also presented.

88-96 279

One of the main trends in the consumer food market is the growth in the consumption of plant- based products. A large share is made up of drinks, often called vegetable «milk». These lactose-free drinks are a substitute for traditional cow’s milk and are becoming an increasingly popular consumer product as many consumers are lactose-intolerant, dieting or health-conscious.

The article presents the results of a scoring of the quality of nine samples of vegetable drinks from retail outlets in Minsk. As a result of the work carried out by the commission of tasters-evaluators, indicators of consumer properties of new types of herbal drinks were developed. On the basis of marketing research, consumer preferences have been studied and coefficients of significance of indicators for assessing the quality of drinks have been determined. Using the developed scoring scale, the quality of nine samples of herbal drinks was assessed, as a result of which a sample was determined that scored the maximum number of points and can be chosen as the base one when determining the quality level.

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)