
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Vol 15, No 2 (2022)
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6-10 159

During the period of development of the enterprise, setting up production of new products, it is very important to achieve maximum economic results not to miss the social issues and the process of personnel management of the enterprise. The article develops and presents in a concentrated form a block diagram of the creation and development of the social and personnel policy of the enterprise. Taking into account external and internal factors, the economic situation and the current legislation, the financial situation and the availability of labor resources, a socio-personnel policy is presented, which is based on the economy and income of the enterprise, measures that ensure vital activity and social protection, is able to form a personnel potential that will allow implementing the conceived plans for modernization and innovative development of the enterprise.

11-20 168

Fermented sourdough based on saccharified and thermophilic sourdough is used for the production of national types of bread at Belarusian bakeries. Its traditional technology is fully implemented only with the round-the-clock production of national types of bread with constant productivity for this assortment. The article notes that there isn’t scientifically substantiated information about the technological methods of action on fermented sourdough in a discrete mode. The influence of technological parameters of the saccharification process on the biotechnological properties of thermophilic sourdough has been established. The influencing factors and evaluation criteria are presented, the experiment plan is constructed. Changes in the total number of thermophilic lactic acid bacteriums, their activity and acidity of thermophilic sourdough at a stable temperature, duration, quantitative composition and unstable qualitative composition of the saccharified sourdough used were revealed. Regression equations that adequately describe the dependencies of the studied evaluation criteria on the selected factors and allow predicting the biotechnological properties of thermophilic sourdough in a discrete mode for the production of national types of bread have been obtained. Acceptable ranges of the quantitative composition of saccharified sourdough and technological parameters of its preparation with an unstable discrete process of saccharification and with a stable continuous process for obtaining thermophilic sourdough have been established.

21-25 216

The article presents studies of the quality of rye bakery products made from seeded rye flour with different indicators of autolytic activity and falling numbers. The physicochemical indicators of the quality of finished products (moisture, acidity, porosity) have been determined and the volume of molded products. The issues of the influence of autolytic activity on the volume and dimensional stability of finished bakery products are considered. The dynamics of changes in the volume of tinned breads from seeded rye flour with the same falling number depending on the autolytic activity of seeded rye flour was revealed.

26-35 288

Under field conditions on the experimental fields of the RUE “Institute of Flax” 10 varieties of linseed of Belarusian selection were studied: Salyut, Brestsky, Opus, Ilim, Focus, Vizier, Alliance, Dar, Slavyanin, Bonus. The duration of the growing season was 80-86 days, plant height - 46.9-60.1 cm, technical length - 30.7-46.9 cm, number of capsules - 13.4-15.3 pieces, number of seeds in a capsule - 59.1-105.2 pieces, weight of seeds per plant - 0.342-0.600 g, weight of 1000 seeds 4.88-6.67 g, yild 79.1-117.9 g/m2. The study of the biochemical composition included the determination of such indicators as the content of oil, its fatty acid composition, the content of proteins, cellulose, ash content, vitamin B1, the mineral composition of seeds and was carried out at the Republican Control and Testing Complex for the Quality and Safety of Food Products of the Unitary Enterprise «The scientific and practical centre for foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus». The oil content was 29.2-44.8%, the protein content was 19.80-21.72%, the cellulose content was 26-33.3%, the ash content was 3.087-4.164%, the amount of vitamin B1 was 0.43-0.70 mg. /100g. The composition of fatty acids of linseed oil of the studied varieties is dominated by α-linolenic (51.4-66.6%), linoleic (12.9-25.9%) and oleic (11.1-13.9%). The seeds of the studied varieties are characterized by a high content of such essential amino acids as isoleucine (5.3-8.1 mg/100 g), valine (6.7-9.4 mg/100 g), methionine (8.4-10.1 mg/100 g), phenylalanine (14.9-18.4 mg/100 g), leucine (14.2-18 mg/100 g). According to the mineral composition, flax seeds are close to the seeds of grain crops. The main elements are potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium. The mass fraction of potassium was 10000.0-11500.0 mg/ kg, phosphorus - 6935.0-9045.0 mg/kg, magnesium - 2590.0-2810.0 mg/kg, calcium - 1790.0-2345.0 mg/kg. Thus, the chemical composition of the seeds of the studied linseed varieties is characterized by a high concentration of physiologically active components, essential structures necessary for the functioning of organs and systems, and the seeds are a valuable component for various processing industries, including food.

36-44 417

In the world, serious attention is paid to the development of modern and effective methods for disinfecting feed from mycotoxins. Due to the characteristic weather conditions in the Republic of Belarus, almost all large livestock complexes and private farms are faced with the problem of mycotoxicosis in animals and birds, and this, in turn, has a huge impact on feed safety and, subsequently, on food safety. The problem of mycotoxins in feed can be solved by using various adsorbents. A mycotoxin adsorbent based on yeast cell walls is suitable for the role of such adsorbents. This article presents the results of studies on the physicochemical properties of yeast cell walls and their adsorption capacity by high performance liquid chromatography, using a reference sample of Trylogy multitoxins, in relation to such mycotoxins as aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol. The obtained results show that yeast cell walls have good adsorption capacity for high molecular weight mycotoxins and poorly adsorb low molecular weight mycotoxins.

45-55 184

Grinding of various materials is carried out in various ways: cutting, crushing, sawing, breaking, hitting. In the technological equipment of meat processing plants, grinding is achieved by a combination of several types of mechanical action. Each type of grinding is characterized by an average particle size, while large, medium, fine, fine, ultrafine (colloidal grinding) grinding is used. A block diagram of meat and meat products grinding has been compiled, which reveals the essence of the processes taking place and serves as the basis for justifying the improvement and creation of new working bodies of machines for more efficient meat grinding. The basic laws of the sliding cutting process are described, a mathematical model of the movement of meat raw materials in cylindrical channels of the knife grate is constructed. Analytical equations are obtained to determine the duration of grinding from the volume of finished products. A mathematical model of the knife grid of the emulsifier with a concentric arrangement of holes has been developed. The model allows you to get the same throughput capacity of the working surface of the grid in the horizontal plane. This model uses the regularities of the theory of preferred numbers.

56-61 190

Currently, in the Republic of Belarus, special attention is paid to the problem of processing byproducts of the food industry. Waste from brewing and malt production is a cheap and widespread feed additive in the agricultural industry, and their use makes it possible to compensate for protein deficiency to a certain extent and significantly reduce unit costs. In this work, comprehensive studies of the enzymatic hydrolysis of protein-hop sludge have been carried out and optimal parameters of the process have been determined in order to obtain feed and food products.

62-67 227

The article presents the results of investigation the phenomenon of concentration polarization. The technological parameters of electrodialysis and electrodeionization processes at various applied voltages are presented. The results about the influence of concentration polarization on the efficiency of the electromembrane demineralization process of sugar syrup were concluded.

68-73 149

He article provides an analysis of the current state of the Kramal processing industry of the Republic of Belarus, the dynamics of the production of native starch, the volume of exports and imports of modified starches. One of the areas of use of modified starch is the production of drilling reagents on its basis, intended for use in the oil and gas industries, as well as in geological exploration. They have great potential to reduce the import dependence of the domestic oil and gas industry, and also have an export potential, especially in the North. The composition of the mixtures obtained by specialists of RUE “Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food” samples of drilling reagents, as well as the main technological parameters for obtaining a drilling agent with the addition of dextrin, sodium chloride and Osnopak NO.

74-79 185

Studies of quality indicators, nutritional value, vitamin-mineral and amino acid composition of new types of specialized food products: low-protein dry mixes for baking have been carried out. The main organoleptic indicators of the developed low-protein foods are determined. The assessment of the quality of new types of food products according to organoleptic indicators was carried out at a meeting of the tasting commission, the results were graphically drawn using the method of profile analysis of flavor. The analysis of physico-chemical studies has shown that all the developed specialized food products do not contain gluten, have a low protein content, a safe level of phenylalanine and can be recommended for dietary nutrition of patients with phenylketonuria, celiac disease and acute renal failure. In addition, low-protein mixtures contain a significant amount of minerals, such as potassium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium.

80-84 239

The quality of frying fat is important in the production of snack products. High temperature, oxygen, water spoil the fat. The stability of frying fat is very important for manufacturers. Botanical extracts (natural antioxidants) are preferred by humans, maintain an attractive clean label, extend the life of the deep fryer before replacing it, extend the shelf life of the product. In the course of the research, the possibility of a significant extension of the period of use of frying fats with the addition of antioxidants “Extrale” was confirmed, effective parameters for monitoring the quality of frying fats were identified and substantiated. In the test, a natural extract of rosemary was used, as well as food additives complex “Extrale RT” and “Extrale GT” produced by the Republic of Belarus. Using the synergism of rosemary extract, green tea extract and a mixture of tocopherols, Belagrolex specialists managed to create new and very effective antioxidants. Based on our research experience, the introduce the measurement of peroxide value and express methods for controlling the content of oxidized substances for quality control of frying fat is recommended. The control of these parameters will significantly improve the quality of snack products, and the use of Ektrale antioxidants will extend their shelf life and the time of using frying fat.

85-90 179

The modern learning process is associated with intense physical, psychological and intellectual stress, and therefore the requirements for school meals, as a source of vital micronutrients, are increasing every year. Bakery products occupy a special place in the diet of schoolchildren. The article presents the results of research on the development of the technology of enriched bakery products «Ranitsa» and «Youth» for the nutrition of school-age children and an assessment of their consumer properties. The possibility of filling the deficiency of micronutrients in schoolchildren through the use of these bakery products in the diet is shown. Changes in the quality indicators of enriched bakery products during storage are given.

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)